Overfishing, Global Warming and Pollution


Overfishing, global warming, and pollution are affecting the world. There are many risks associated with overfishing, global warming, and pollution. There are studies conducted to prove the affects on the environment, people and animals. 

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  • Your task is to pair up with a partner from your table.
  • Then, wait for your topic to be assigned. (Overfishing, global warming or pollution)
  • You  will research your topic and prepare a presentation using Animoto.



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  1. Sit with your partner
  2. Research your topic and consider the following questions when preparing your presentation:


    Global Warming


    1. What is overfishing?


    1. How does overfishing affect living and non-living organisms?


    1. Describe the history of overfishing.


    1. Who is responsible for overfishing?


    1. What are the concerns about overfishing?


    1. Why is important to educate people about overfishing?


    1. How can we help end overfishing?


    1. What is global warming?


    1. How does global warming affect living and non-living organisms?


    1. Describe the history of global warming.


    1. Who is responsible for global warming?


    1. What are the concerns about global warming?


    1. Why is important to educate people about global warming?


    1. How can we help end global warming?

    1. What is pollution?


    1. How does pollution affect living and non-living organisms?


    1. Describe the history of pollution.


    1. Who is responsible for pollution?


    1. What are the concerns about pollution?


    1. Why is important to educate people about pollution?


    1. How can we help end pollution?


    (3) Go to the following links to have a more in depth learning of overfishing, global warming, or pollution.


     Visit the following site to learn about overfishing.




    Visit the following sites to learn about global warming.




     Visit the following sites to learn about pollution. 




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Congratulations! You have accomplished and achieved so much. You have learned how to collaborate with a partner to reach a common goal using effective communication skills. You have learned to use the internet effectively for research while demonstrating yourselves as model digital citizens. Finally, you demonstrated your ability to be creative using Animoto to produce a commercial on your assigned topic. 


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Teacher Page

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This webquest is designed for use in a classroom that has at least 30 chromebooks that have access to the internet. This is designed for 6th grade students to give them a better understanding of the affects that overfishing, global warming, and pollution have on the environment. In addition, it is designed to increase critical thinking, to give students the knowledge to make informative decisions. Furthermore, this webquest increases collaboration and participation from all students with any learning ability.

This webquest has promoted ISTE Standards by inspiring student learning and creativity. The students explored worldwide issues of overfishing, global warming, or pollution. They collaborated to create a commercial on their assigned topic using Animoto.  All students modeled all steps of digital learning experiences and age work by their collaborations using googledocs and Animoto. The entire process exemplified their digital citizenship by properly citing their examples and quotes and finding credible sources. Furthermore, the digital tools that were used included the ISTE Standard for Professional Growth and Leadership.


                                                      Next Generation Learning Standards

6W7: Gather relevant information from multiple sources; assess the credibility of each source; quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others; avoid plagiarism and provide basic bibliographic information for sources.

6SL2: Interpret information presented in diverse formats (e.g., including visual, quantitative, and oral) and explain how it relates to a topic, text, or issue under study.

6SL5: Include digital media and/or visual displays in presentations to clarify information and emphasize and enhance central ideas or themes.