Our Solar System


Hello Students!! You have all been asked to help on a mission into space. On the way into space, your ship loses control and land on an unknown planet. You know have to identify what planet you are on a figure out how to get back to Earth.


You have been split up into 4 groups, which is your research team. Your team will need to work fast because you only have enough supplies to last eight days.

You will need to figure out what planet you are on and contact NASA to figure out how to get back to planet Earth. Each team member will have a different task, or job, to do to help with identifying the planet and getting back home.

Team Member One: You are in charge of learning about the atmosphere, such as gases or any other materials that might exist on that planet.

Team Member Two: You are to figure out whether the planet has any moons, if so how many and what the names are. You are also to figure out if the planet has any rings and how big the planet is in either miles or kilometers.

Team Member Three: You are in charge of finding the distance from, how long one year is, and how long one rotation on its axis takes.

Team Member Four: Your job is to find any characteristics that make your planet unique compared to other planets.