


In this WebQuest you will learn about Nouns and the different types. The types of nouns are:












If you know what Nouns are and can identify them, you have already started the journey to Nouns Land.


Step 1: You will click on the link below. This link will inform you as to what a noun is.

Definition of Nouns 


Step 2: You will click on the link below which will inform you of the five types of nouns. This link will direct you to a PowerPoint presentation on the five types of nouns.

Types of Nouns 


Step 3: In pairs you will complete an activity of labeling items around you by placing them into five categories: Common, Proper, Concrete, Abstract, Collective. Submit photographs of the process and the completed task.


Step 4: Submit your journal at the end of the class. In your journal entry you are to speak of what took place within the classroom and what you have learnt and how you plan to use what you have learnt in the future.


Step 5: You are going to create a digital photo-story entitled "Nouns and their Types". You are going to have five sections. For each section you will have a heading for the specific type of noun. For each type of noun you are to place pictures of what you have completed in step 2.


At the end of this WebQuest, you should be able to:


1) Define the term noun


2) Identify nouns


3) Define each type of noun


4) Identify the types of nouns


5) Create a photo-story with the types of nouns being demonstrated.






 (10 marks)

 (6 marks)

(4 marks)

 (0 marks)

Definition of Nouns

Shows excellent understanding of the term Nouns.


Shows good understanding of the term Nouns.

Shows satisfactory understanding of the term Nouns.

Shows no understanding of the term Nouns.

Definition of Proper, Common, Collective, Abstract and Concrete Nouns


Shows excellent understanding of the five types of nouns.

Shows good understanding of the five types of nouns.

Shows satisfactory understanding of the five types of nouns.

Shows no understanding of the five types of nouns.

Digital photo-story

Photo-story has content that demonstrates full understanding of concept taught about nouns and the five types.

Photo-story has content that demonstrates good understanding of concept taught about nouns and the five types.

Photo-story has content that demonstrates satisfactory understanding of concept taught about nouns and the five types.

Photo-story has content that demonstrates no understanding of concept taught about nouns and the

At the end of this WebQuest, you should be able to:


1) Define the term noun


2) Identify nouns


3) Define each type of noun


4) Identify the types of nouns


5) Create a photo-story with the types of nouns being demonstrated.






 (10 marks)

 (6 marks)

(4 marks)

 (0 marks)

Definition of Nouns

Shows excellent understanding of the term Nouns.


Shows good understanding of the term Nouns.

Shows satisfactory understanding of the term Nouns.

Shows no understanding of the term Nouns.

Definition of Proper, Common, Collective, Abstract and Concrete Nouns


Shows excellent understanding of the five types of nouns.

Shows good understanding of the five types of nouns.

Shows satisfactory understanding of the five types of nouns.

Shows no understanding of the five types of nouns.

Digital photo-story

Photo-story has content that demonstrates full understanding of concept taught about nouns and the five types.

Photo-story has content that demonstrates good understanding of concept taught about nouns and the five types.

Photo-story has content that demonstrates satisfactory understanding of concept taught about nouns and the five types.

Photo-story has content that demonstrates no understanding of concept taught about nouns and the


You have come to the end of a wonderful journey from Nouns Land. I hope you are able to remember the types of nouns and their functions.