EN4HOSTS - The cuisine/ the essential factor for spending a gourmet holiday


Nowadays Gourmet Holidays and Food Tourism has become one of the most creative segments of tourism. All agree on the importance of gastronomy in order to diversify tourism and stimulate local, regional and national economic development. It includes ethical and sustainable values based on the territory, the landscape, the sea, local culture and local products.


Imagine that you are working in one of the following countries: Romania, Italy, Portugal, Croatia, Turkey, Greece. Each team has to find the characteristics of each geographic area, their culinary traditions, and the characteristic traditional foods and make an interactive map of each country where will be indicated the traditional foods/products per geographic area. Then we'll have to use information about the assortment of dishes and their recipes and to collect the ones that are common or similar between your countries and discuss their differences and similarities. After that, we will create an e-cookbook with recipes and an e-travel book for these countries including characterization of the geographic area, the characterization of traditional food and culinary restaurants with traditional dishes.

Remember your task is to make travelers feel like an invited guest and not as a tourist.



Step 1 Students are divided to 6 teams and read carefully the steps that they have to follow in the follow infographic:


Pay attention to research all the following:  

a)   The influences on food in the above countries : climate; geography

b) Geographical areas for each protected designation of origin product(PDO) / protected geographical indication product (PGI) in each country.

c)      Styles of food: culinary traditions. Types of dishes in the above countries:  appetisers, salads, soups, cheeses, main dishes, desserts and  wines

d)     Characteristic traditional foods  in the above countries

e)      Recipes of each country

f)       Traditional restaurants in each town


Step2   Students collect PDO, PGI of each country in order to create an interactive map via Thinglink  where will be indicated PDO / PGI products with the help of Thinklink.  (Worksheet1)




Step3 Use  the presentations of traditional dishes,  that we used at Milazzo to collect culinary traditions and recipes of every area:

1. Italian cuisine https://www.slideshare.net/amihaela22/cucina-siciliana?from_action=save

2. Turkey cuisine https://www.slideshare.net/amihaela22/turkey-traditional-dishes?from_action=save

3. Croatian cuisine https://www.slideshare.net/amihaela22/croatian-cuisine

4. Romanian cuisine https://www.slideshare.net/amihaela22/traditional-romanian-food-81256832

5. Greek cuisine https://www.slideshare.net/ssuser31e04a/traditional-greek-dishes-recipes

6. Portugese cuisine https://www.slideshare.net/pfmoura/portuguese-gastronomy

IF you need some extra info you can use the following urls:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_cuisine ,

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_cuisine ,

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_cuisine ,

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_cuisine ,

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_cuisine ,



Step 3 Make a presentation of the traditional restaurants in each country. Do not forget to include some info, contact details, address and photos (Worksheet 2).    



Step 4  Students create an e-travelbook  for each country including the characterization of the geographic area, the characterization of traditional food & products  and culinary restaurants with traditional dishes (Worksheet 3).  



This is how your work will be evaluated.














There is one person doing all the work, and the team is NOT working together.

The team is working individually on their own role, and using limited talked with others in a group

Team is working together, but not using the inflammation to connect with one another.

The whole team is working together, helping each other out, and connecting information with one another.


Research / Understanding


Don't use sources given & information is not factual.Student lacked knowledge

Use sources were given.Students understood information but couldn't apply it to their projects

Use sources given, and students understood information but lacked creativity and informational facts

Use sources, get all information asked, and goes beyond to get and applied extra information to give to their classmates a better idea on the subject



No creativity to their presentation, such a little information that classmates aren't able to understand

Students created a presentation with only text and nothing else.

Students were able to create a good presentation.

Great creativity, students are able to understand


Final project


No final project

Final project is lacking key components.

Final project contains all key components

Final project contains all key components and some extra information so it is complete and more useful to anyone interested in its theme.



The web quest is designed to develop the critical thinking skills in children. This web quest teaches students about the role of cuisine as an essential factor for spending a gourmet holiday.

I hope you all had fun and explored the geography influence on food, the characteristics of traditional foods, dishes, and recipes of Romania, Portugal, Italy, Croatia, Turkey, and Greece. I hope this will help you understand the differences /similarities to the culinary traditions and the influences between these countries on dishes and food recipes.


This WebQuest was created by a team of teachers, within the co-funded Erasmus plus KA2  partnership “English for hospitality” (EN4HOSTS), project number: 2017-1-RO01-KA201-037159, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.