Israeli/Palestinian conflict


This webquest covers the conflict between the Israeli and Palestinian people.


Join your group to complete assigned portion of the guide on the development of the nation of Israel and the subsequent conflict between the Israeli and Palestinian people.  Use the resources present in this webquest to answer the questions.  Make sure to focus only on your assigned portion.  Pay close attention to the links, and to where you should be obtaining your information from!  Once you're done, share your information with your group members.  Feel free to go back to the links you obtained your information from to provide more detail, if they need it!


Each person is responsible for a section of the sheet.  You will use different links to answer the questions in each section.  Pay close attention to where you should be getting your information from.  Check the webquest to see which link answers which questions on your worksheet!

Person A - Geography and Background

Link 1:
* Using the map in this link, label the items listed on your Israel/Palestine guide
* Label the items again on the larger map, so that you can use it to teach your group members to fill in their map.

Link 2:
* Use the graphic to answer the following question:
1) Which US state is about the same size as Israel?

Link 3:
* Using the information on the History of Israel, answer the following two questions about the development of Israel:
1) What is the connection between the creation of Israel and the Nazis in World War II?
2) When and how was the nation of Israel created?

Person B - Conflict

Link 1:
*Use the link above to navigate to the 1946-1963 tab. Answer the following questions:
1) What happened immediately after the formation of the state of Israel on May 15th, 1948?
2) What consequences did Palestinians face as a result of the formation of the state of Israel?

Link 2:
* Use the link above to answer the following questions:
1) Why did Israel begin a military occupation of Gaza and the West Bank?
2) What are the advantages of the military occupation for Israel, and what are the disadvantages of a military occupation for Palestine?

Person C - Modern Issues

Link 1:
* Use link 1 to answer the following questions:
1) What does PLO stand for, when did it develop, and what was it's goal?
2) Who was the leader of the PLO?
3) What actions did the PLO take in the 1970s?

Link 2:
* Use link 2 to answer the following question:
1) What conflicts existed between the Palestinians and the Israelis in the 2000s?

Link 3:
* Use link 3 to answer the following questions:
1) What would Israel want out of a peace agreement?
2) What would Palestine want out of a peace agreement?
3) What two major groups are opposed to a peace deal, and what do they want?


If you finish while your groupmates are still working, check out this video from Julia Bacha on the peace process between Israel and Palestine!