Protecting our Endangered Species


We have been learning quite a lot about different plants and animals and their habitats. We have also learned about how plants and animals depend on each other for survival. Now we are going to take a look at some of the reasons why different species become endangered or extinct and what kind of positive and negative impacts humans can have on the outcome of these species. 


For this assignment you will be choosing a plant or animal species that is at risk, endangered, or extinct. You will then create a campaign to present the facts, and try to convince others to do what they can to help save, protect, or pevent your species from becoming extinct.

(Note: If you have chosen a species that is already extinct, then you can inform people about it, and provide information about how they can help to prevent it from happening to other similar species in the future.)

Your campaign can take any form you choose, as long as you have included all of the important information.

*Remember to review the rubric to make sure you have covered all the criteria.

Here are a few ideas of how you may present your campaign:

  • Podcast
  • Speech
  • Essay
  • Poem
  • Poster Board
  • PowerPoint
  • Photo Story
  • Comic
  • Song

If you would like to present in a way not listed here, make sure to run it by me first just to be sure it is appropriate.


You will be researching an endangered or extinct plant or animal species in Ontario (or elsewhere in Canada), to find out the following information to include in your campaign:

  • Name of the animal and description of their natural habitat
  • At least 2 reasons this species is becoming endangered or is extinct
  • At least 3 statistics or facts to support your campaign 
  • At least 3 actions that have been taken to prevent such depletions or extinctions from happening
  • What impact does the endangerment or extinction of your species have on humans, or the rest of their natural community?

Use the links provided below to find all the information on your species:

ROM-Ontario Species at Risk 

David Suzuki Foundation - Critical Species   (Includes all of Canada)

Nature Ontario- Protecting Wild Species and Wild Spaces 

MNR- Species at Risk 


Public Awareness Campaign : Protecting our Endangered Species

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Brainstorming - Problems Student identifies more than 2 reasons for the depletion or extinction of a plant or animal species Student identifies at least 2 reasons for the depletion or extinction of a plant or animal species Student identifies at least 1 reason for the depletion or extinction of a plant or animal species Student has not clearly identified a reason for the depletion or extinction of a plant or animal species
Brainstorming - Solutions Students identify and evaluate more than 3 reasonable and insightful solutions/strategies to encourage change Students identify and evaluate at least 3 reasonable, insightful possible solutions/strategies to encourage change Students identify and evaluate at least 2 reasonable solutions/strategies to encourage change Students identify fewer than 2 reasonable solutions/strategies to encourage change
Research/Statistical Data Students include 4 or more high-quality examples or pieces of data to support their campaign Students include at least 3 high-quality examples or pieces of data to support their campaign Students include at least 2 high-quality examples or pieces of data to support their campaign Students include fewer than 2 high-quality examples or pieces of data to support their campaign
Finished Product (Podcast, PowerPoint, Poster Board, etc) Student creates an original, convincing, accurate and interesting product that adequately addresses the issue Student creates an accurate, convincing product that adequately addresses the issue Student creates an accurate product but it does not adequately address the issue The product is not correct or is inaccurate
Vocabulary Student always uses appropriate science vocabulary (habitat, population, community, adaptation) Student usually uses appropriate science vocabulary (habitat, population, community, adaptation) Student sometimes uses appropriate science vocabulary (habitat, population, community, adaptation) Student does not use appropriate science vocabulary (habitat, population, community, adaptation)
Sources-Citation Information in all source citations is correct and in the format assigned Information in all source citations is correct but there are minor errors in formatting Information in almost all source citations is correct AND there are minor errors in formatting The information is often incorrect OR there are major errors in formatting

Date Created: March 20, 2014


For one last activity, I would like you to take a closer look at the human influences on the survival of your species. Choose ONE of the following options below:

1. Identify one of the ways in which humans have had a negative impact on your species. Did humans need something from the environment that caused damage, did they use the species itself for food or other products, or was damage caused as a result of something totally unrelated? Identify the reason why, and then try to look at it from the perspective of those people. Did they need to do it for a good reason?

Write a short paragraph telling me whether or not you think their actions were justified.


2. Identify one way in which technological advancements by humans have been used to help protect, or further endanger an animal or plant species. Write a short paragraph describing this technology and it how it could help or hurt the species.



Resource References

"Critical Species." David Suzuki Foundation, 2104. Retrieved on March 20, 2014 from….

"Depletion Definition." Merriam-Webster. Merrium Webster Incorporatied, 2014. Retrieved on March 19, 2014 from

"Protect Wild Species and Wild Spaces." Ontario Nature, 2013. Retrieved on March 20, 2014 from

"Ontario. A Leader at Protecting Species at Risk." Species at Risk. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 2014. Retrieved on March 20, 2014 from….

"Ontario's Species at Risk." Royal Ontario Museum and Ministry of Ontario. Retrieved on March 19, 2014 from

All Images retrieved from Creative Commons Google Search. See source links below.

Spotted Owl -

Lynx -

Logging -…

Teacher Page

Ontario Curriculum Expectations met in this Webquest:

Grade 4 Science: Understanding Life Systems, Habitats and Communities

1.1 Analyse the positive and negative impacts of human interactions with natural habitats and communities, taking different perspectives into account, and evaluate ways of minimizing the negative impacts.

1.2 Identify reasons for the depletion or extinction of a plant or animal species, evaluate the impacts on the natural community, and propose possible actions for preventing such depletions or extinctions from happening.

2.5 Use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including habitat, population, community, adaptation, and food chain in oral or written communication.

2.6 Uses a variety of forms to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes.