Kitchen Chemistry


Heston Blumenthal is a famous chef. He is well-known for using scientific ideas in his cooking. He helped to write a book called Kitchen Chemistry.

In this activity you will be using your research skills to find out about:

  • what chemicals are used in the kitchen
  • chemical reactions that happen when food is cooked. 

You will be using your literacy skills to take the role of Heston Blumenthal and answer interview questions about chemistry in the kitchen. 


Lots of chemical changes take place when a
traditional roast dinner like this is cooked. 


You are going to produce an interview script. The interview questions are provided but you need to write answers to the questions as though you are Heston Blumenthal.

Your interview answers should:

  • clearly explain the importance of chemistry in cooking
  • explain why the changes that happen during cooking are chemical changes
  • be clear and interesting for an audience who don’t know a lot about science. 

Step 1

Find out what chemicals are used in the kitchen and why cooking involves
chemical changes.

Step 2 

Find out about some of Heston Blumenthal’s unusual recipes.  

Step 3 (extension)

Find some more detailed information about chemical changes in cooking. 

Step 4 

Use the boxes on the writing frame to plan your interview answers. 

Step 5

Now write the whole interview script.

Heston’s giant ice cream

An article on Heston Blumenthal’s giant ice cream.


Chemistry in the kitchen

Videos explaining why everything in the kitchen involves chemistry.


Chemical changes in cooking

Some good examples of chemical changes in cooking.


Royal Society of Chemistry on Heston Blumenthal

An article describing some of Heston Blumenthal’s cooking with chemistry.



Examples of chemical reactions in the kitchen (extension)

More detailed explanation of some chemical changes in cooking. 


You have prepared an interview script as though you were Heston Blumenthal. 

Look at the questions below and think about whether you have met the brief. 

  • Have you explained, with examples, that everything in the kitchen is a chemical?
  • Have you included a clear explanation of why cooking involves chemical changes?
  • Have you given some examples of chemical changes in cooking?
  • Have you described Heston Blumenthal’s giant ice cream?
  • Have you described an interesting meal prepared by Heston Blumenthal using chemistry?
  • Have you summarised by giving your own opinion on whether a chef needs to understand chemistry?