Mise en place EN4HOSTS

  • Today’s webquest can used as a comprehensive guide for the tables’ set up of the three main meals served in hotels worldwide, according to American Plan.
  • The American Plan, sometimes abbreviated as AP in listings, means that the accommodations’ quoted rate includes three meals per day, i.e. breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  1. To practise speaking skills  

  2. To improve students’ vocabulary on resaturants equipment and procedure

  3. To identify useful phrases in webquest related to restaurants’ mise en place.

  4. To work in groups, to prepare and  present an infographic concerning various types of mise en place, based on main meals served in 4* hotels of their country.





1.  warmer

Few words about mise en place  by the teacher

2. reading/listening/writing/group work

  1. The students watch a ppt and then in groups fill in the exercises related to the ppt. a worksheet with exercises related to the previous ppt subject


  1. a worksheet related into grouping so as to fill in the Cognitive Map of mise en place.


3.group work ,writing


The students work in groups to fill in the worksheet given to them in order to identify the mise en place term, the relevant equipment, to prepare the mise en place for their favorite meal/meals


4. writing, group work, role-play

The students work in groups and prepare a infographic through the website canva.com https://www.canva.com/















mise-en-place term

worksheet not filled out. 

Worksheet filled out. Lacking correct information and appropiate responces.

Worksheet filled out. Correct answers but lacking descriptions that show knowledge has been gained.

Worksheet filled out with correct answers and appropiate responces that demonstrate that knowledge has been gained.



cognitive map


no map filled in.

some mistakes in family words

2-4 words placed in wrong family

map correctly filled in





poster not made.

a lot of essential information missing from poster

adequate information included in the poster

fully created poster including all necessary information




This webquest was created by a team of teachers, within the co-funded Erasmus plus KA2  partnership “English for hospitality” (EN4HOSTS), project number: 2017-1-RO01-KA201-037159, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices ,KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education


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