Depression Webquest


Most people have felt sad during events in their lives where they have felt powerless, guilty, or victimized. Feeling sad is a normal part of life because it is impossible to go through it without feeling blue every once in a while. But when does it become a problem? When your feelings of gloominess include feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness that last for many days to weeks at a time and keep you from functioning normally, your depression may be something more than sadness. It may very well be a clinical condition that could hinder you from moving forward with your life in a healthy way without seeking the proper treatment.


After watching Kevin Breel: Confessions of a Depressed Comic, taking a "self-test" online, and visiting three websites that contain information on clinical depression/major depressive disorder, you will be expected to answer a list of questions to show what you have gained from the sources provided regarding the topic of battling with this illness. The knowledge you have obtained from the video, the three websites, and the personal online analysis will provide you with insight on how depression is stigmatized in today's society and how it can truly effect an individual's life, will give you a deeper understanding of the medical condition itself, and will allow you to relate the information back to your personal life to see if depression is something you, or someone you know, may be dealing with and not realize yet. You will be asked to take what you have learned from the video, the websites, and the self evaluation, to answer the questions given to you in this webquest. In addition to answering the questions, you will be asked to write a letter to someone close to you who has just recieved a diagnosis of major depressive disorder from a medical professional and who is now refusing treatment. 




With one partner of your choice, watch Kevin Breel's TEDTalk and analyze the three websites provided to answer the questions. Once you and your partner have answered all of the questions thoroughly, take the depression self-rating quiz independently. After you have finished these steps begin writing your letter to a family member or friend who has recieved a diagnosis of major depressive disorder and is refusing treatment. In 3-5 paragraphs be sure provide the following in your letter:

  • Why should they seek treatment for their illness?
  • What are some ways that they can get help?
  • What are the positive effects of treatment?
  • What are the negative effects/risks of living a life with untreated depression?
  • How does getting/not getting help positively/negatively effect the surrounding people in their lives?
  • Provide helpful words of encouragement and support. Make them feel like they are not alone and describe small steps in their personal life that go along with therapy and treatment that they can take in order for them to overcome and fight against their illness.

Kevin Breel: Confessions of a Depressed Comic:

Depression self-rating quiz:


NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health):

Mayo Clinic: 

4 3 2 1

Strongly and clearly
states a personal

Clearly states a personal opinion.

Personal opinion is not clearly stated.

Personal opinion is not easily understood. Has no   reference to the issue.

Reasons and Support

Three or more
excellent points are
made with good
support. It is evident
the writer put much thought
into this assignment.

Three or more points
are made with
support, but the
arguments are
somewhat weak in places. The writer
doesn’t persuade completely.

Two points made; shows some preparation, but weak arguments.

Preparation is weak; arguments are weak or missing; and less than three points are made.


Summarizes personal
opinion in a strong
concluding statement.

Summarizes personal
opinion in a concluding

Concluding statement
is a weak summary
of personal opinion.

Concluding statement
makes no reference
to personal opinion.


Sentences and
paragraphs are
complete, well
written, and varied.

Sentence and
paragraph structure is generally correct.

Sentence and
paragraph structure
is inconsistent.

Little or no evidence
of sentence or
paragraph structure.

Word Choice/Tone 

Choice of words that
are clear, descriptive,
and accurate.
Maintains consistent
persuasive tone
throughout letter.

Adequate choice of
words that are clear and descriptive. Demonstrates a persuasive tone in
parts of the letter.

Choice of some words
that are clear and
descriptive. Lacks
consistent persuasive

Language and tone of
letter is unclear and
lacks description.

Mechanics and

Contains few, if any
punctuation, spelling, or grammatical errors.

Contains several errors in punctuation,
spelling, or grammar
that do not interfere
with meaning.

Contains many
punctuation, spelling,
and/or grammatical
errors that interfere
with meaning.

Contains many
punctuation, spelling,
and/or grammatical
errors that make the
piece illegible.

  • The rubric shown above has been provided to show you how your letter will be graded.
  • After taking the Depression Screening test, screenshot your results, paste it onto a word document, print it out, and hand it in to your teacher along with the letter.

Congratulations! You have completed your assignment. Now that you have more knowledge on Clinical Depression, you can use what you have learned to help others combat their illness with your support and knowledge of various treatment methods and help educate others in your community about the stigma associated with mental illnesses. Good luck!
