Neolithic Revolution


Welcome to Miss. Wyand’s World History Webquest on the Neolithic

Revolution! It is your job as a historian to uncover and understand the

mysteries of our past and see how these historical events have shaped and

altered the world we live in today! I challenge you to put on your thinking caps

and dive into the ancient world through our time machine,

the World Wide Web. 


Learning objective: The purpose of this activity is to show the student the

important advancements and lifestyle changes that occurred during the

Neolithic revolution. The student should realize from the activity that these

changes were the building blocks to something that would forever change

society and make the larger civilizations and cities we know today a reality.

You are a 14 year old nomad living during the Paleolithic period. You are sick and tired of moving from place to place and hunting and gathering your food. You have recently heard of a tribe far far away developing the cutting edge technology that they call, agriculture. You are eager to convince your family and friends to change their outdated ways and adopt these new advancements, however the elders in your community are stuck in their old outdated ways.

Your job will be to find more information about these advancements and

discuss ways in which these ways will benefit your community. You will use the

provided websites to uncover information about political, social and economic

aspects during the Neolithic era and use the information you find to create an

educational PowerPoint or Prezi presentation to convince your community on

the benefits of this switch. 


#1: Choose a partner (You have the option of working alone if you wish)

#2: Create a Google drive account. (Link below)

#3: Begin your research! Look for information on the Neolithic period in the realm of the political, economic and social differences in human lives during this period.

#4: Open a Microsoft word document where you can record information that is valid for your research, pictures you wish to use in your presentation as well as citations of the websites you are utilizing.

#5: Construct your presentation based off of the information you have collected in your research. Remember this presentation should be convincing! (Make it visually pleasing)

#6: Make sure you utilize three websites in the construction of your project.

#7: Include a work cited page in MLA format.

#8: Upload your presentation to the Google drive and share with your classmates. However remember to choose the option where others cannot edit. 


Website Links

(You may use others as long as they are considered reliable sources)

Video Resources


Total Possible Points: 100 points 

Each category: 20 points

4: 20 points

3: 15 points

2: 10 points

1: 5 points 


Congrats! At this point you should have successfully convinced your family and

friends to adapt their lifestyle to these hip new, advanced ways!

Life will sure be easier from here on out!

Don’t forget to make sure you shared your work on the

Google drive with your peers and teacher! =)