Listening the News


In this activity students are going to listen to an audio about a new concerning Globalization and communication. They must write down some ideas and key words in order to create a mind map in their notebooks.


By listening an audio about a new concerning Globalization and Communication, students must create a mind map following the next steps:

1.- Provide a title for the map

2.-Write down key words that allow students to develop the topic and organize the items

3.- Give examples about industries or companies that are related to the topic

4.- Connect each item and some ideas that are relates to each other

5.- Conclude the mind map with a general idea about the topic



To create the mind map, students should follow the next steps:

1.- Use your notebooks to create it

2.-Name the mind map with a title that represents better your ideas about the topic

3.-Include examples

4.- Follow the events regarding the order of the audio

5.- Create the mind map using key words and general ideas.


Self Evaluation

1.- I contributed with information for the taks.

2.- I was on time everytime we worked in the assignment.

3.- I showed a positive attitude towards the assignment.

4.- I helped my classmates during the process.

5.- I respect my classmates during our tasks.

6.- I was responsible with the material I was working with.


Teacher's Evaluation

1.- Students present their assignment on time

2.- Students show a proper attitude during the process

3.- Students are able to develop their topic in a good way

4.- Students are responsible with their tasks 

5.- Students show interest about what they are working on

6.- Students can manage the collaborative work among their groups

7.- Students accomplish the main goals, according to what they were asked to do



Very good -  Good - Average  -  Poor 


In this task, students are going to listen to an audio which is going to allow them to practice their listening skills; also, students will have to concentrate in order to get the main ideas of the audio and key words that are going to be part of their mind map.


Pedro Flores

Josefina Prieto

M°José Rey.