What's the MATTER?


This webquest is an exploration of matter.  There is particular focus on what matter is and how matter changes. 

In this webquest, you will learn about matter.  You will learn about the states of matter and how matter changes. 


You will....

1.  Identify what matter is.

2.  Identify and describe the states of matter.

3.  Explain how matter changes.

4.  Explain various ways in how the changes in matter may affect our everyday lives.


Activity 1 - What is matter and what are the states of matter?

As a preview to learning matter, you will view the video on the following website http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/science/matter/solids-liquids-gases.htm 

After watching the video, take the "Test Yourself" quiz and see how you do.  Record your percentage correct and the date when you took the test in your science journal.  Label it Activity 1.

Activity 2 - How does matter change?

Visit the following website, http://archive.fossweb.com/modulesK-2/SolidsandLiquids/activities/changeit.html

Start the game by placing different items in the oven and turning the oven on.  Answer the following questions in your science journal.  Label it Activity 2:

1. Describe what happens to each item that is placed in the oven. 

2.  What does heat do to some matter?

Complete the game by placing different items in the freezer and turning the freezer on.  Answer the following questions in your science journal under Activity 2:

3.  Describe what happens to each item that is placed in the freezer.

4.  What does cold do to some matter?


Complete the solid, liquid, gas worksheet (see Ms. Carvin)


Activity #3 - Testing matter

Do this experiment at home with an adult.  Fill a cup with water about half way.  Place the cup in the freezer.  Record the time you did this.  In one hour, check the cup of water.  Observe any changes and answer the following questions in your science journal and label it Activity 3.


1.  Are there any changes to the water?

2.  What changes have occurred to the water in the cup? 

3.  What do you think will happen if you keep the cup of water out of the freezer and on the counter?

4.  What do you think will happen if you put the cup of water back into the freezer for the rest of the night?


Place the cup back in the freezer.  Check the cup after another hour.  Observe any changes. 

1.  Are there any changes to the water since the last time you checked it?  If so, what?

2.  In what ways might water changing states affect our everyday lives?  Give as many examples as you can.


Revisit http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/science/matter/solids-liquids-gases.htm  and take the test again.  See how well you do this time on the quiz. Did you do better than the first time? Record your score and the date you took the test in your science journal.


Just to recap, in your science journal, you should have a response for each activity. 

Label it "Activity #1"  and write what was required for that activity if you haven't already done it.


Then label on another page "Activity #2" and write what was  required for that activity if you haven't already done it.


Then label on another page "Activity #3" and write what was required for that activity, if you haven't already done it.




At the end of this webquest, turn in your science journal and matter identification worksheet for review by Ms. Carvin.


Thank you for participating.

Teacher Page

created by:  Leslie Carvin, 3rd grade teacher

                   E R Dickson Elementary School

                   Mobile, AL