Ancient China WebQuest

You work for the famous Maurice Museum of World History.  In fact, you are one of the original founders.  It is early in the morning.  You arrive at work, turn on the lights and start to unlock all of the displays that house the precious artifacts. You walk past the Old Stone Age and Neolithic display, past the Fertile Crescent, Egypt (one of your favorites) the Ancient India display, and....wait...where is the  Ancient China display?  Someone has stolen the entire display!  Who would do such a thing? This is very upsetting. You hit the alarm and alert your colleagues. There is only one thing you and your pals can do, rebuild the display and quickly before the Maurice Museum of World History opens! 6th Grade World History Objectives:
  • I can examine the geography of ancient China.
  • I can find out about early civilization in China.
  • I can learn about the importance of family ties in early Chinese society.
  • I can learn about the life of Confucius.
  • I can find out about the teachings of Confucius.
  • I can understand the influence Confucianism had on Chinese society.
  • I can learn about the rise of the Qin dynasty.
  • I can find out how Emperor Shi Huangdi attempted to unify the economy and culture of China.
  • I can examine the actions of the Han dynasty's leaders.
  • I can learn about the Silk Road.
  • I can find out about the Han dynasty's respect for tradition and learning.
  • I can discover the important advances in technology that were made in China during the Han dynasty.

You and your pals are outraged that the Ancient China display has been stolen from your museum!  As the detectives are hot on the trail of the thief, you must rebuild the display and before the museum opens.  Luckily, the Maurice Museum of World History has one of the world's best staff.  You and your coworkers are famous historians, if anyone can do this, it's you!  The history of Ancient China will not be forgotten!

Review the following:

  • Scenario - Rebuild the Ancient China Display in the Maurice Museum of World History.

  • Roles - You and your colleagues should work both independently and together to achieve your goals before the museum opens.

  • The BIG Point - To create a complete display (poster board or PowerPoint presentation) outlining the main characteristics of Ancient China. 

Your task to is create a display outlining the main characteristics of Ancient China.

  • Product to be designed - poster board or PowerPoint presentation.
  • Articulate the main characteristics of Ancient China.
  • Summarize chapter 5: Ancient China in textbook.
  • Build something creative - put time and effort into your project.
  • Take the information from the textbook and  transform this information you've gathered into a display for the Maurice Museum of World History.
  • Tools required to complete the task -  Google account, textbook, poster board and supplies, and/or computer.


To accomplish the task, you must: 
  1. Remain calm...the detectives are working hard to nab this thief!
  2. Stay focused...even though you guys are world famous historians there isn't much time before the museum opens!
  3. First you'll be assigned to a team of 5 students.
  4. Once you've picked a role to play, review your specific job.
  5. Remember that you will not only have to do your part but, you must work collectively as a team.
  6. Review Chapter 5: Ancient China and get the general layout.
  7. Review the outline attached under the resources tab.
  8. Divide up the chapter into sections.
  9. Focus on your section, read and collect information for your part of the display.
  10. Create a rough draft/outline of what information you will present in the display and how you will present it.
  11. Ask yourself the following questions: 

    • What information will I present?  Does the main historian agree? 
    • How will I present it? Does it fit within the whole project? Did the curator approve it? 
    • What artifacts will I display? Did the archaeologist agree with me?  
    • Have I conducted all research necessary? Run my information past the tour guide.
    • Did the geography of ancient China, or the weather, impact my part of the research? If so, get the green light from the geologist. 

 Roles:  Once you've picked a role to play, use the resources listed below to help you with your task.


    The curator is the director of the group. You LOVE your job at the Maurice Museum of World History, in fact, it was your idea for you and your pals to open the museum!  You have traveled the world with your teammates and you organized every mission.  This task is no different. Your job is to ensure that everyone is doing their part and working together to accomplish the task on time.  Divide up the chapter, check in with each team member and most importantly you need to keep them on track.The display must be completed and PERFECT!  As the curator, you expect nothing less.  The history of China depends on YOU!


    As the archaeologist you have the very important job of organizing and verifying that all artifacts are correct and in place.  As your teammates bring in artifacts check to make sure that they are not damaged.  You have to have patience and be diligent about collecting these ancient relics as they are old and can break easily.  This is a very important job as people visit the museum, their main focus is on the visuals!  You view yourself somewhat as an artist and these displays are your personal artwork!  Artifacts must match up with the information being presented.  If your team does not assemble good items...send them back on the hunt for more.  However, time is make sure they don't procrastinate. 

Geologist    You LOVE nature, the Earth, the weather... and when you are not working in the Maurice Museum of World History you are often out camping and exploring the world.  If fact, you loved traveling the world with your friends and exploring all the historical sites.  Your goal is to make sure that the visitors know about the geography of ancient China: the weather, and how it impacted ancient Chinese society, the importance of rivers to a civilization.  You love nature so much, you refuse to let anyone else address this topic! You insist on taking matters into your own hands. This is dire situation and yes, you may be in a rush, but NEVER will a display skimp on geography!  Over this Geologist's dead body!   

Main Historian

    As the main historian you love a history mystery.  You just never expected to have one happen in your own museum!  If you didn't have to build this display so quickly, you'd go out there and catch this history burglar yourself! Your best friend is the curator and you know that the curator, as director of the entire project, is busy so you like to help.  Your task is to make sure that everyone is doing their part.  Ask your teammates to review their research with you...check and double that outline...if something is missing, you will uncover it!  Completeness and accuracy is key! There has yet to be a history mystery or research project you can't handle.  Yes, you are under pressure but this historian won't crack! The history of Ancient China is safe with you!  And if the detectives haven't found those sticky-fingered bandits once your help will! 

Tour Guide

    The tour guide is an important job, you are the face that the public sees!  You bring knowledge and understand of these past cultures alive to the visitors!  History and teaching is your passion.  Once all of the information is brought together and arranged you will assemble the team and make sure the presentation/display is perfect! Sometimes, if you didn't LOVE history so much you think you should go into show business.  Practice the presentation with the group, you must make sure everyone can pronounce the words...tongue twisters have nothing on you!


Keep the information you gather organized.  Use flowcharts, summary tables, concept maps, or other organizing structures. Review the attached file.  And remember...if everyone does their individual jobs and their group jobs, you will save the day!

On our class website is an outline of Chapter 5: Ancient China.  Use this outline and the guiding questions to ensure that you have covered all of the important topics within the chapter.






Review this rubric and use it as a checklist to ensure that you have accomplished all that you need.  There will be a common grade for group work and an individual grade so be sure you participate!











Vocabulary is included in presentation


characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance. characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance.  characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.    


Pictures are present to represent all major facts



characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance. characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.    


All major information is included



characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance. characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.    


Presentation is neat and organized


characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance. characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.    

 All individuals participated and worked toward the ending goal(this part is graded on an individual basis)

characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance. characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.  
Wonderful job team!  This is history at its finest!
Ancient Chinese society centered around the Yellow River and the family.  Confucius taught that for peace and order to prevail in society rulers should treat other justly.  Confucius reformed the Chinese government by requiring that civil service workers be hired based on merit, this opened the door for many. And he said some pretty cool things like:
  • Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes.
  • Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
  • Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.
  • Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.

Some of the great leaders were Shi Huangdi of the Qin dynasty who united China.  He built the Great Wall of China and organized local governments into districts.  Under the Qin dynasty attempts were made to unify China's economy and culture. China's second ruling dynasty, the Han, remained in power for about 400 years!  The Han dynasty embraced Confucianism.  The Silk Road opened China to trade with lands in the west.  Some inventions by the Chinese that were traded along this route included: paper, silk, and bronze and jade works.  The Chinese were very technologically advanced and these accomplished are not forgotten!