Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators


You have demonstrated that you have a good grasp of basic fraction addition and subtraction. Now it's time to move to the next level.  In this webquest, you will hone your fraction addition and subtraction skills - specifically fractions with unlike denominators.


Your mission, which you must accept, is to visit the listed websites, watch the videos, and play some games to build your skills in adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.


Begin your journey at Kahn Academy.  Watch the videos below and take any notes you deem necessary on the worksheet provided:



Then, get some practice in.  Answer 5 questions of each addition and subtraction.  Record your questions and answers on the worksheet.



Head over to and read the webpage, taking notes as you go along.  Play with the animation and view the pen and paper.  At the bottom, do questions 1 through 10 (NOT the worksheets link) and record the questions and answers on your worksheet.

Finally, it's play time!  You can play one or all of the following games to have some fun practicing your new addition and subtraction skills.

Fruit Shoot - do level 3a  Challenge yourself with level 3b!

Fractions Board Game online

After you've had your fun, head to the evaluation tab to find out how you will get your grade for this activity.


You will be graded for participation based on your worksheet, which you will turn in to Ms. Svajda.  You will also create a short, reasonable quiz with an answer key to help show Ms. Svajda how much you have learned.  You will write this quiz using a word processing software and you can either email it to Ms. Svajda or you can print it off and submit a hard copy.

Your quiz must be at least 5 questions, have both addition and subtraction questions, and be something that would be fair to give to your classmates.  Not too hard, but not too easy.  Somewhere right in the middle.  It's your chance to pretend you're the teacher.