Integrating drama and science. Drama and The tastebuds


Welcome to Shasa's Educational Platform, where we will be learning about what drama is, the different drama modes and how you can incorporate drama to teach the tastebuds. This website was created by Shasa- Gay Clarke.

Did you know that the tongue is made up of different taste buds that allows you to taste different things?

Relax and be entertained as you are about to learn about this.

Click on task

  1. The teacher will introduce drama to the students.
  2. They will learn about the different drama modes.
  3. They will learn about the tongues.

Click on process


Hello! my young learners: to go further on in the lesson you are now going to watch a video of what the tongue is, and the different taste buds. 

You can follow the link to watch the video. 

After you have watched the video, you are now going to use the objects that you have brought from home to carry out your exploration. You are to discuss the different things you have tasted. you have to use a drama mode you have learned about to do this exercise.

For example using a mime, to act out tasting the objects.

Unscramble these words

Lapyeolr, imem, ritnigw, gllinyertso, gnos, gmeetni, busdsteta, ngueto,

Answer the following questions?

1.      Where is the sweet taste bud located on the tongue?

2.      List at least 5 drama mode.

3.      How many taste buds are found on the tongue?

4.      Where on the tongue is the bitter tastebud located?

5.      What is drama?

Click on conclusion

Questions Yes No
did the students understand drama mode    
were they able to list different modes    
Did they bring across the modes in the role play    

students were able to answer the questions


How was your lesson? Now let's do a quick recap of what was taught.

What is drama? 

Drama is a mirror or lens of what is happening in the society. Drama is a man or woman with a problem. it shows how the problem comes complicated or how the problem is solved or resolve.

Different drama modes

role play









teacher in role


The Tastebuds

Taste buds are the true taste organ. they have numerous sensory cell that is in turn connected to many different nerve fibers. The taste bud is made up of four taste receptors, they are, salty, sweet, sour and bitter.

Image result for diagram of the tongue and taste buds



Crosby. (2017). Lecture presented at Drama class in Moneague College Linstead Campus, St. Catherine.

Pubmed health. (n.d.). Taste Buds. Retrieved 2018, from