Ellis Island


You are a time traveler! Your teacher just surprised you with a pop test on Ellis Island. Before he handed out the test he left to go to the restroom. Luckily, you found a time machine on his desk. You will travel back in time to retrieve as much information about Ellis Island as possible. Be careful and Good luck!

  • You must create a comprehensive package that will include details about Ellis Island.
  • Your packet will include, a introduction to Ellis Island, a time line, life at Ellis Island, and why it is no longer open. 
  • Your packet must include pictures.
  • At the end you will trade your packets to a classmate.




  1. Introduction
  • What is Ellis Island?
  • How it opened?
  • When did it open?
  • Who came to Ellis Island?

     2. Timeline

  • Create a timeline about the beginning to end on Ellis Island. 
  • Must include at least 6 events 

     3. Life at Ellis Island

  • The conditions at Ellis Island
  • The inspections
  • Social Life
  • Transportation to Ellis Island  

     4. Closing of Ellis Island

  • Why is Ellis Island not open now?
  • When did it close?
  • Where did the immigrants go?
  • What was life after Ellis Island?

Include at least 5 pictures in your packet. 



Did I answer all questions? Is my introduction in logical order?

Timeline Do I have at least 6 events? Are they in order?

Did I capture the life and conditions at Ellis Island? Did I answer all of the questions?


Did I answer all of the questions?



Did I include 5 pictures?




For your conclusion, trade your packets with your classmates to see if you can find any new information. 
