20th century film and theater


The theme for this webquest is 20th century film and theater. It will focus on common themes for movies in the 20th century and how effects were made. Also how much movies have changed over time. Some parts will focus on a specific movie and other parts will be about just the film era of the 20th century. 

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Use the links below to answer the questions


At first films were very short, like short comedies that were only a few minutes.The dialogues were also not in sync and didn't really make sense. When did film start to get longer and storytelling?




During the silent film era there was a man named Charlie Chaplin and he in his time was very well known and he wasn't always rich and famous. How did he impact the film industry and why did people love his movies so much?



when movies are made today a lot of the effects are made by CGI and computers but there wasn't always computers to help make effects look real, how were effects made before people had computers?




The first film maker for motion photography was a hand cranked machine that could capture pictures and project still frames, when and who was this machine invented by?




When making a movie lots of money and time goes into creating a soundtrack for it, some using original songs or using someone else's song but either way soundtracks and important for movies, why do movie companies spend all this time and money making a good soundtrack?




Back in 1915 a movie called "The Birth of a Nation" cost about 100,000 dollars to make, obviously the amount of money spent on making movies today has changed a lot, what is the movie budget range today and what was the most expensive movie ever made?




Sometimes in the credits of a movie the main character or characters are not at the top of the cast list, why are the main characters not always at the top of the cast in the credits?




Obviously movies have changed a lot over time effects, budgets, cameras, and some people still prefer movies before all the effects, what are three specific ways movies have changed over time?




Movies clearly have had an impact on society like creating steryotypes and changing how some people view the world, but people could also argue movies impacted us in a negative way, how has movies helped society for the better?  Has it had any negative impact?




the movie industry have many amazing directors who have changed movies and they all have different styles of movies which makes them all influential for different reasons, what is one of the most influential directors and why are they so influential?





This webquest showed a a lot about how much movies have really changed over the years and how much the effects and editing of movies have changed.