Holidays and Celebrations


Image result for celebrations in costa rica and in the united statesImage result for holidays in costa ricaImage result for holidays and celebrations in usa


Today we are going to learn about different Holidays, celebrations and different terms used when talking about holiday, celebrations and gatherings.

In this WebQuest you are going to produce a brochure for the travel agency called 'Paradise VICU'. 


  • To identify the holidays and celebrations in Costa Rica.
  • To recognize the holidays and celebrations in the United States of America.
  • To encourage students to read and investigate about different topics in order to learn and use new vocabulary.



Dear Students, over the next week you will work individually in order to investigate and learn about the holidays and celebrations in Costa Rica and the United States of America.

Each student will have two different holidays to present to the class at the end of the week.

You will be given some material to guide you through. You will have websites and questions to guide you along the way as well.

By the end of the week you will have to present a brochure with the information you obtained.  This brochure will teach the class on your part of the holidays and celebrations.

Good luck! 


You are a travel agent who need to produce an interesting brochure to make people come to visit Costa Rica and the United States of America during a  holiday in order to learn about the culture. 

You are going to share facts about your favorite holiday and how it is celebrated.

You will work individually, and do the following:

Investigate about your favorite holiday in Costa Rica and your favorite holiday in the United States. (Each of you need to choose a different holiday)

You must include:

-Name of the holiday.

-Date of the celebration.

-Description of the holiday (What is it about)

-Activities they do or how people celebrate each holiday. (Traditions)

-Decoration  they use. (If they have one)

-Food they eat.

-Facts about why they should come during that specific holiday.

You are going to make a brochure and present it to the class.












Points Obtain:




Accomplishment of the objective

Disorganized and difficult to follow; little data, intrusive errors of vocabulary and grammar; no photos or illustrations.

Clearly written, logically organized, including a representative range of facts grammatical and lexical mistakes do not impede overall intelligibility, few or no photos or illustrations.

Carefully planned and checked text; a good range of facts, logically linked and accurate in terms of grammar and lexis; good rage of vocabulary displayed; good photos or illustrations.

Engaging, original and well-organized text. Few errors of grammar or vocabulary; consistent and appropriate style; photos or illustrations relevant and clear.





Presentation of the brochure

Presentation simply read aloud; not easy to follow, poorly illustrated, and/ questions not handled

Presentation organized into stages, clearly illustrated and sufficiently detailed to give a general idea; some reading aloud, but some improvised “telling”; questions adequately handled.

Well organized presentation, attractively illustrated; some reading aloud, but some improvised “telling”; questions handled well.

Presentation presented in an engaging, even entertaining, way; well resourced; even distribution of work, delivered with notes but not read aloud; questions handled effectively and spontaneously.





                                               Image result for holidays and celebrations in costa rica and in the united states


Welcome back!! I hope you enjoyed your research and had fun making the brochure. I  hope this was fun and educational. 

Holidays and celebrations is an interesting topic.

After completing this webquest, learners will have accomplished a variety of new words and expression  that will help them identify as well as  recognize cultural traditions.

Students can report on what they've learned by explaining what their favorite holiday is and they will become true experts on the topic.


