Grocery Store


On a vacation in France, your mom tells you to go to the grocery store and buy all the things on the list she gives you. Unfortunately, your mom wrote everything in French, and you can't understand a single thing on the list. Your mom tells you to come home quickly because she doesn't want you staying out too long without supervision. 


Find out what you have to buy for your mom, and the order in which you go do the different section of the store!


Here is the list your mom gave you:

La saucisse 
Le vin
Le sel 
Le lait 
Le café
Le jus d'orange 
Le sandwich 
La viande 
Le beurre 
Le gâteau 
Le bière 
Le pain 
Le salade 
Le fromage

Now that you've figured out what to buy, you buy everything and make your way home. However, since you're a bumbling idiot, you trip on grass and all the food you bought falls into a lake. You go into crippling depression because you let your mummy down. When you get home, she gets mad at you and decides she doesn't want to cook anything.

Instead, she suggests that the two of you go out to eat at a restaurant.

Your options are McDonald's, Taco Bell and Burger King.

McDonald's has West Nile, Taco Bell has Ebola, and Burger King has E. coli. Choose wisely.

You picked.... Taco Bell! You died. Ur mum cried. 




good job.


Everyone and no one.

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