Constitutions: Values and Belief


Through this websquest you will get to look at different forms of constitutions from around the world. Check them out carefully and do not let some of the big words and tricky language fool you. All of them are real, primary documents that actually influence how governments operate and how people act today. Some things you will think are great and some things you will not like. Make sure you first understand what the constitution  is trying to say before you say you love it or hate is.


1. Once you get your package you will know your country and roles you have been assigned.

2. Your job is to figure out what the country values and believes about leadership, religion, education and/or other topic based on their constitution.

3. Each group member has been assigned a role with responsibilities:

Reader - read the part(s) of the constitution required to answer the questions correctly. Try to pronounce any words you do not know as best as you can. Read slowly and carefully.

Translator - after the reader finishes reading, look up any words your group does not understand. You can use or you can google the word. Help the group use the word in context.

Writer - after group finishes reading and discussing your thoughts, your job is to write the CEJ in the packet provided. The group will help you figure out what you should write.

***I will now pass out the packages



Once you have identified what country you are assigned clicked on to the correct website to see your constitution and complete the rest of your package. 

1. Haiti

2. Iraq

3. Puerto Rico

4. Japan

5. Nigeria


You will be graded based on the 4Fs. 

Fun - Did you work well with you group and show great effort? Did you recognize the different perspectives in a countries constitution?

Free - Did you make smart choices as you group worked independently even when the teacher was working with other groups

Fierce - Did you use your time well?

Fundamental - Did you write in complete sentences? Did you take the time to understand words that may have been difficult?

Grade will be 1 (20%), 2 (40%), 3 (60%), 4 (80%) 5 (100%)