Genre Quest PCMS Style


Welcome to the Literary Genres Webquest - an exciting approach to reading, writing and language arts. By now all of you read very well, so now we are going to work on refining your reading skills and practice using them. The objective of this quest is to provide you with the resources necessary to teach you about different literary genres. In addition you will  be able to compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres (e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories).  After the quest is completed, you will create a project demonstrating what you learned.

Happy exploring and creating!


Common Core Standards:






Assignment Breakdown 

Literary Genres Webquest 

  • complete webquest information assignment


  • create a Kahoot game using the information you gathered.



# Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1)   Score
Ideas & Content Exceptionally clear, focused, genre information is accurate Genre information has minimum errors Several errors in genre information or missing information Lacks focus,development is minimal or non-existent   4
Information 8-10 genres described and characteristics listed 5-7 genres described and characteristics listed 4-6 genres described and characteristics listed 3-1 genres described and characteristics listed   4
Organization Effectively organized in logical and creative Focused and logical organization; but lacks some creativity organization is confusing and lacks focus; little creativity Little focus, lacks organization and creativity   4
Presentation Spoke clearly, eye contact, knowledgeable, appropriate rate and volume Clear presentation, but lacked eye contact and proper rate and volume, some information inaccurate or not complete Presentation had some lack of eye contact, proper volume, amd rate, several errors in information or not complete Presentation had many errors and lacked eye contact, appropriate rate and volume   4
Conventions Exceptionally strong control of standard conventions of writing Control of most writing conventions; occasional errors with high risks Limited control of conventions; frequent errors do not interfere with understanding Numerous errors distract the reader and make the text difficult to read   4

