Gators ELA Webquest: The Pearl by John Steinbeck


Welcome, Gators! 

You are going to complete a webquest (an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web) over the next two days. This webquest will present you with the opportunity to gain valuable background information about The Pearl. As we have discussed over the past few class periods, when we have background information, connections can be made to the text. If connections can be made to the text, then comprehension increases greatly. 

Also, what you will be reading will mean so much more to you because the text will now be relevant. In other words Gators, you will care about what you're reading. This webquest is going to be a fun, interactive way to gain new information! 


In this Web Quest your goal is to acquire background information to better prepare you for our reading of The Pearl. Your task is to find information about La Paz, Mexico (which is the setting of the book), social structures in 19th century Mexico, scorpions, and pearl diving. 

  • We will be able to gather information to prepare for a reading of The Pearl.
  • We will be able to generate a coherent piece of writing to summarize what we've learned.
  • We will be able to present summaries to the class.

Your overall task is to gather information that will help your classmates understand more about the book. You will work in teams of three to respond thoughtfully to each question. You will then work in teams to compile the information you gathered in a neat way.  Finally, you will present your summaries to the class. You will be evaluated two ways: individually and as a team. The summaries presentation will be on Monday, September 18th and Tuesday, September 19th, 2017. 


Option 1: The Setting - La Paz, Mexico

Click on the links below, read the information and, on your paper, type the answers to the questions in complete sentences. Do NOT copy and paste, your answers must be in your own words.

The Setting and History of Mexico California

Blank Map (HINT: print off this map and fill in mountain ranges, oceans, etc.)

The novel’s setting is La Paz, Mexico

1. Where is La Paz located? Locate it on a map. Make a copy or draw the map.

2. What is the geography of La Paz?
a. What bodies of water surround it? List all of them and label them on the map.
b. What mountains exist? List the names of the mountains and label them on the map.
c. What is the terrain like?

3. What is the climate like?

4. Who first discovered and founded La Paz? What was it originally named?

5. What do the locals of La Paz call themselves?

6. What attracted Cortez to La Paz? Up until 1720, who were the only people to visit La Paz?

Option 2: Social Structure in Colonial Mexico

Click on the links below, read the information and, on your paper, type the answers to the questions in complete sentences. Do NOT copy and paste, your answers must be in your own words.

1. What was the highest social class in colonial Mexico? The second highest?

2. Why weren't Indians allowed to be educated?

3. What social class was below the Criollos? What other classes of people did the Mestizos compete with for jobs?

4. What types of jobs did the Criollos have? 

5. How were people in the Gauchupine classes characterized? What kinds of jobs did they hold?

6. Describe how each of the below social classes were characterized:

a. peninsulares

b. creoles

c. mestizos

d. enslaved persons

Option 3: Scorpions

Click on the links below, read the information and, on your paper, type the answers to the questions in complete sentences. Do NOT copy and paste, your answers must be in your own words. (Must read this off the paper copy)

1. What do they look like? Include a picture of a scorpion.

2. What are the three most common types found in the southwest? Briefly describe each:

a. Arizona Hairy Scorpion

b. Bark Scorpion

c. Devil Scorpion

3. What do they eat? How do they hunt their prey?

4. How many species of scorpions are there? How many are dangerous enough to kill a person?

5. Are they dangerous to humans? Why or why not? What age group is most likely to die from a scorpion sting?

6. What should people do if they encounter a scorpion? What if a person is stung?

Option 4: Pearl Diving

Click on the links below, read the information and, on your paper, type the answers to the questions in complete sentences. Do NOT copy and paste, your answers must be in your own words.

1. What dangers did pearl divers face in Mexico?

2. What kinds of people were pearl divers? 

3. Describe the pearl diving process in the mid-19th century. What were the best times of the year to dive for pearls?

4.  What are the bends?

5. Why were the pearls found by the Mexican natives black?

6. Briefly describe each of the ways pearls are judged:

a. shape

b size

c. color

d. luster

e. orient


Gators ELA Webquest: The Pearl by John Steinbeck






Use of Internet

Successfully uses

all suggested Internet links to find information.

Uses most of the suggested

Internet links to

find information.


Uses a few of the suggested

Internet links to find information.


Does not uses suggested Internet links to find information.


All parts of the questions are answered. Uses academic writing consistently throughout.

Most of the questions are answered. Uses academic writing most of the time.

A few of the questions are answered. Sometimes uses academic writing.

Very few or none of the questions are answered. Does not attempt to use academic writing.


All questions are answered thoughtfully and a high level of student effort is present.

Most questions are answered thoughtfully and student effort is present.

Some questions are answered thoughtfully and some student effort is present.

Very few questions are answered thoughtfully and student effort is lacking.


Very few (0-3) grammar and/or mechanics mistakes are found.

Few (4-6) grammar and/or mechanics mistakes are found.

Some (7-9) grammar and/or mechanics mistakes are found.

Many (10+) grammar and/or mechanics mistakes are found.

                                                                                                                                                              Total: 16x2=_________/32







Information is presented in an organized way and is easy to understand.

Information is mostly organized and is easy to understand.

Information is somewhat organized and is mostly easy to understand.

Information is not organized and is confusing to the audience.



Congratulations, Gators! 

Your webquest is complete. I hope that you enjoyed this activity. Please take a few moments to reflect on your experience as you learned background information about the author, the novel, the setting, and pearls. Answer the following questions openly and honestly...

  • The part of the webquest I liked best was... Why? 
  • I wish we could have spent more time on...
  • This activity would have been better if...
  • Working in a team to complete the activity taught me...
  • Was this your first webquest assignment? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not? Would you like to do another assignment like this again? Why or why not?


Permission is granted for others to use and modify this webquest activity for educational, non-commercial purposes as long as the original author is credited. 

Teacher Page

By: Gerald Puckett, Ireland Drive Middle School

The webquest is designed to introduce and provide background information about John Steinbeck's novella, The Pearl. Students will learn about John Steinbeck, scorpions, pearls, pearl diving, and the lives of pearl fisherman in Mexico.