

in this activity, you are going to learn about globalization and communication by participating in a forum

You can use the resources to get information about it, their advantages and disadvantages and how it is being managed by people nowadays.


Using the information you got about Globalization and Communication, create a presentation following the steps below:

1.- Include a coverpage with the title, names and date.

2.- Give a brief introduction about the topic using key words and pictures.

3.- Provide examples of companies, insdustries, transportations that are involved in Globalization.

4.- Using a graphic organizer, conclude your topic showing to your classmates what you have talked about.

5.- You can use the following links to search for information and images: 


To participatein the forum, follow the next steps:

1.- Open the forum

2.- put your classmate's name and yours

3.- Add new words

4.- Include key words and concepts



Self Evaluation

1.- I contributed with information for the taks.

2.- I was on time everytime we worked in the assignment.

3.- I showed a positive attitude towards the assignment.

4.- I helped my classmates during the process.

5.- I respect my classmates during our tasks.

6.- I was responsible with the material I was working with.


Teacher's Evaluation

1.- Students present their assignment on time

2.- Students show a proper attitude during the process

3.- Students are able to develop their topic in a good way

4.- Students are responsible with their tasks 

5.- Students show interest about what they are working on

6.- Students can manage the collaborative work among their groups



Very good -  Good - Average  -  Poor 


In this task you have learned about Globalization and Communication. By participating in a forum, you have reported  your classmates and your teacher about what you have learned about the topic. You also used the resources you were given to support your work and have a better comprehension about the topic.


Pedro Flores

Josefina Prieto

M°José Rey