FOIL WebQuest


What is a binomial? How do you expand two binomials? This Webquest is designed to introduce you to the FOIL method for multiplying binomials. This involves applying the distributive property, the laws of exponents, combining like terms, and more!


Your task will be to learn what the FOIL method is and how to use it. When you finish the webquest, you need to work on ALEKS. This is an INDEPENDENT ASSIGNMENT!




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The FOIL method is an algebraic process used to multiple two binomials.  A binomial is an expression with  two algebraic terms. The letters of FOIL stand for First, Outside, Inside, and Last.

  • First refers to multiplying the the first two terms in each binomial.    
  • Outside refers to to multiplying the outermost terms in each binomial
  • Inside refers to multiplying the innermost two terms in each binomial
  • Last refers to multiplying the last two term in each binomial

STEP 1: 
Research the steps to the FOIL method to discover more about the information given above.

Watch this video to see the FOIL method in action!


FOIL WebQuest Quiz


You will be assessed on whether you finish the FOIL WebQuest Quiz or not. If you finish it, you will earn a 100. If you do not, you will receive a 0.


That wasn't so bad, was it? After this Webquest, you should now feel more comfortable with multiplying binomials with the FOIL method.