Endangered Animals.


As you all know that the world has many endangered animal. such as panda or certain panda, gorillas, rhinos and etc.. endangered animals and plants are due to the change in environment or they are hunted. Endangered animals can be near to extinction, or many can be saved, even just by one more animal. which is amazing. 

Image result for endangered animals


The task you'll be handling is that you have to find a way for you to save the animal that is endangered of any choice. you have to come up with a way to make sure that the animal you choose is safe and sound over a 5 year period. your budget is $10,000. for your animals.   


Use the links that are provided to choose where the habitat is going to be and what animal you chose. 




You'll be graded on how well your animal survived and/or how well the habitats are created. You can do poster data graph essay. Etc. 


1) what was the hardest thing to on the project

2) if were to choose another animal, what would it be and why?

3) give a pie chart on the percent of money spent I'm the 5 year time span


So It's the end. The whole webquest will be for a practice grade. Hope you enjoyed the quest!