EN4HOSTS - Setting the table for different menus


This webquest is designed to teach students how to exemplify the mise-en-place for simple lunch, semi-complete lunch, complete lunch, how to elaborate different menus, how to serve meals and drinks.

They will become "experts" in the area, able to inform others of specific techniques for serving food and beverages in food establishments, as well as consumer behavior in specific situations.



The business card of a restaurant is given by a friendly, well-trained staff, by order and cleanliness, a well-organized wardrobe, hygienic restrooms, and finally, decorating the room with floral arrangements, which contributes to maintaining a distinctive atmosphere. A good organization differentiates the elite units from the usual ones. For the interior, it must be taken into account that the unit is not just a space for nutrition, but also a place for entertainment, marking social life events (weddings, baptisms), or for the closing a business.


In this webquest we will learn:

  • How to communicate efficiently with the consumers
  • how to identify the stages of mise-en-place for simple lunch, semi-complete lunch, complete lunch
  • how to identify the inventory items needed for various types of mise-en-place
  • how to exemplify the mise-en-place for simple lunch, semi-complete lunch, complete lunch
  • how to serve meals and drinks
  • how to elaborate different menus

Your task for this webquest is to split in 3 groups and each group will find out exactly how to design a menu for a simple lunch (group 1), one for a semi-complete lunch (group 2) and one for a complete lunch (group 3). Each team will assign a student to present the menu, to exemplify the mise-en-place, choosing the right inventory items and to serve meals and drinks.


Follow the steps below for the first process.


1. In groups of eight, you will work together to learn about Types of meals and drinks offered in restaurant for lunch, by using the link and filling out the worksheet below.


Types of meals and drinks for lunch in restaurant





Types of meals and drinks in restaurant (worksheet)


2. In groups of eight, you will work together to learn how to design a menu for lunch, by using the links and the documentation handout.


Design a menu for a simple lunch (group 1)



Design a menu for a semi-complete lunch (group 2)



Design a menu for a complete lunch (group 3)



How to create menus for lunch and how to serve meals and drinks (documentation handout)


3. Each team will assign a student to exemplify the mise-en-place for simple lunch (group 1), semi-complete lunch (group 2) and for the complete lunch (group 3), choosing the right inventory items, using the links to inform about the types of mise-en-place.


Documentation handout: Types of mise-en-place

Write on Google: “Types of table setting” and then, images.


4. Each team will assign a student to exemplify how to serve the identified dishes and drinks.


Now that you have completed all the components of process one, proceed to process two!


Using the knowledge that you have gained in process one, it is now your job as a group to fill in the worksheet bellow:


Use the following Word document to write your response.


Serving meals and drinks (worksheet) 


Great work!


This is how your work will be evaluated.













Types of meals and drinks in restaurant (worksheet word)


Worksheet not filled out.

Worksheet filled out. Lacking correct information and appropriate responses.

Worksheet filled out. Correct answers but lacking descriptions that show knowledge has been gained.

Worksheet filled out with correct answers and appropriate responses that demonstrate that knowledge has been gained





Types of menu for lunch in  restaurant

The lack of menus

Lacking correct information and appropriate responses.

Correct answers but lacking descriptions that show knowledge has been gained.

The menu contains correct answers and appropriate responses that demonstrate that knowledge has been gained.



Serving meals and drinks (process)

No process

Lacks deeper thinking and connections.

The serving process is appropriate length but lacks deeper thinking and connections.

The serving process has the appropriate

length demonstrates deeper thinking and connections.



Serving meals and drinks (worksheet) 


No worksheet

Worksheet is lacking key components.

Worksheet contains all key components but not all directions were followed.

Worksheet contains all key

components and all directions were followed.





The degree of civilization and the quality of life of a country can be assessed by the number of people using public catering services, by the volume and structure of operations that are made for the preparation and serving of dishes, pastry-confectionery and beverages. The serving of beverages and drinks, as a continuation of their preparation, valorizes the work of the entire team. Therefore, the techniques specific to serving and disposing should be fully mastered, as well as the conduct in dealing with consumers in specific situations, from their arrival to their departure from the restaurant.


This webquest was created by a team of teachers, within the co-funded Erasmus plus KA2  partnership “English for hospitality” (EN4HOSTS), project number: 2017-1-RO01-KA201-037159, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices ,KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.