EN4HOSTS > Milazzo… A Quite Unique Holiday Destination


TASK 1 : Making a  Brochure

Your task for this webquest is to make  a  brochure about MILAZZO, enhanced by the most representative and suggestive photos of this place. You should make Milazzo an interesting destination, showing  its:

  • architectural beauties (monuments, churches, castle, etc.) evidence of the village’s long and eventful past;
  • breathtaking views ( idyllic spot for a picnic, miles of golden sands, beautiful scenery, etc.)
  • endless local variety: the old town,the hustle and bustle of the city centre and off the beaten track: an area of unspoilt countryside.



STEP 1: Designing your Brochure

    What kind of brochure you need. (bifold, tri-fold,  booklet, folders and inserts, flyers).

    What colours you choose ( bright bold colours attract attention!!!).

  • Thirdly, you have to decide:

    How many parts is  your brochure made up of ?(1. Background history 2. Hotels and Restaurants 3. Architectural beauties, etc.)

  • Finally, you have to decide what software you need to make it. 


STEP 2: Planning your Brochure

In groups of three, you will work together to make a brochure. Each group will then choose one of the following points and fill out the worksheets explaining how customers/tourists could be persuaded to visit Milazzo.


Step 3:Printing your Brochure

Once each group has completed its assigned part using the links provided, the students work together to create a layout for the brochure, including all the points requested, and then………..



Step 4: Evaluation

Using the knowledge that you have gained during this activity, write down a conclusion explaining:

  • your choices related to the content (for example why you have advised the tourists to visit a particular place, to stay in a certain hotel or to taste a special type of food);
  • the main problems you had to cope with, in order to make your proposals attractive.


Task 2. Using your Brochure

Work in pairs and do a role play, pretending to be a travel agent and a customer. Using the brochure you have made, consider Milazzo as an enticing destination, including the following points:

  • Booking hotels
  • Organizing a daily trip to the castle
  • Visiting churches and monuments
  • Going off the beaten track
  • Enjoying the invigorating sea air
  • Having dinner in a typical local restaurant



After having used your brochure, write down in the worksheet if you have found it useful and complete or if there are any points which need to be improved in order to make it a better work tool .









This webquest was created by a team of teachers, within the co-funded Erasmus plus KA2  partnership “English for hospitality” (EN4HOSTS), project number: 2017-1-RO01-KA201-037159, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices ,KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education


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