En El restaurante


Image result for persons eating in a restaurant cartoon images

This webquest is about food items in Spanish and how to state that one wants something in a restaurant. 



Image result for persons eating in a restaurant cartoon images

Image result for persons eating in a restaurant cartoon images

Link to video: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MrUQPKLvmzw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You will watch the video then take note of the different food items eaten at a restaurant in Spanish as well as how to order the food that you want in the context in which they are applicable.

You will also explore in groups of four or more using Google or any other search engine some other food items in Spanish.



Image result for persons eating in a restaurant cartoon images

Phase 1 

You have just finished exploring, now you will share the observations that you made within your groups with class.

Phase 2 

You will practice ordering the different food items as you learnt them.

Phase 3

Move on to evaluation. Start preparing your dramatizations.


Image result for persons eating in a restaurant cartoon images

Now, that you have explored the topic, En el restaurante, ¿Qué quieres comer?. I need you to create a dramatization in your groups based on the learnt content. The rubric is provided below. 

Evaluation rubric


5 marks

 speech is continuous with few pauses or stumbling. 

3-4 marks

Speech shows some hesitation but manages to continue and has to continue and has to complete thoughts.

2 marks

Fluency is inadequate with inaccurate pronunciation, intonation problems and frequent hesitation.

0-1 mark

Speech disjointing and uneven with long pauses and incomplete thoughts. 


5 marks

There were at least 4 food items stated. Correct form of conjugated verb is used to state the type of food one wants.

3-4 marks

At least 3 foods items are stated. Verb is used not quite correct to state the preferred food. 

2 marks

At least 2 food items are stated. Incorrect conjugated verb is used to state the type of food you want. 

0-1 mark

1 food item is stated. Incorrect verb use to conegate the type of food one prefers. 


5 marks

Original and creative. Audience is engaged from beginning to end. 

3-4 marks

Original but not creative. Audienice is engaged throughout but not fully. 

2 marks

Not original but presented a bit creative.  Audience is engaged at different intervals.

0-1 mark

No originality  and no creativity. 

                                                                                                                             Total: 15 marks





Image result for persons leaving a restaurant cartoon images

So now that you've completed the lesson, it's  time to reflect:

What did I learn today?

What else do I want to learn?

How could I have made the lesson any better?

Thanks for participating!!!!!!



Image result for bye bye

Thanks to you my students for participating.

My lecturers Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Smith for teaching this amazing course, called Educational Technology and also for teaching me how to create such an amazing thing. 😊😊😊😊