Renovate the World


Imagine suddenly being in a world without constructions or anything related to it. The world would be in chaos, cold and exposed with no shelter. You see, constructions are a lot more than what people assume. A construction of a building, if done improperly, can lead to a death of an innocent. Typically, everything bulit has used constructions. They're the layout, taking into affect the angles and lines. But now, they're gone. We need a hero, but who?


Oh no! The evil Dr. Mock has created a raygun that has wiped out all of the Earth's buildings! Luckily the S.A.B (Save the Architecture Bureaucracy) has apprehended him. Unfortunately, the buildings are still gone. That's where you come in. You and your team of three will draw up a construction of a contraption that will bring back those buildings. But remember to take into affect the bisectors and angles, as well as the inscribed and circumscribed shapes. Good luck team, the fate of the architecture world depends on you. 


Assemble a team with two other agents from the S.A.B (the classroom) with whom you wish to work with. After that, you are given 2 days to complete the construction, or you and your team are fired! Due to budget cuts, the only supplies you'll be using are a piece of paper, a straight edge, a compass, and an unsharpened pencil. Here are your instructons:

Step 1: Choose two people to work with.

Step 2: Do research on constructions to build up a further background knowledge.

Step 3: Sharpen pencil.

Step 4: Draw a creative blueprint with 5(+) bisectors, 4(+) angles, as well as 2(+) circumscribed/inscribed shapes. You have an infinite amount of lines. (3D parts are allowed)

Step 5: Label each.

Step 6: Create a powerpoint, with at least 6 slides, explaining in detail:

     -(1 slide each)what you learned/know about them

     -(1 slide each)what you used and how you used it to create the construction

Step 7: Come up with 2 extra slides pertaining to constructions (there should be 8 slides with work, total)     






Excellent work team! The fate of the architecture world has been restored! In this covert assignment, you have learned the importance of constructions. But also a better understanding/how to do the work that goes into them; such as inscribed/circrumscribed shapes and bisectors. The future of the S.A.B is in good hands.


Hello, my name is Eli George. I'm currently a sophomore in high school, who's taking 2 AP classes. I like to think about the future and make goals for that time, so right now, my main goal is making it into a good college and then graduating. The reason I did this webquest was to help explain the importance of geometry, in particular, constructions. Most people think of geometry as just a class, but there's a lot more behind it than just that.

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