
 Good Morning Students! We have been studying the early colonies in Virginia as well as the geography. I have a question for all you students? How do you we find out all this information aside from word of mouth and the history books? Today you are going to become an archaeologist and study two sites that we have been discussing in class over the past few weeks, Werowocomoco and Jamestown.


Today you are the archaeologist and you will be discovering each aspect of how archaeologists have recovered new material evidence at sites including

Werowocomoco and Jamestown  You will be researching, discovering, and learning about Werowocomoco and Jamestown using the given resources.

You will be diving in deep, and finding cool and unusual facts that you probably did not know before you started this project. You will be studying the how archaeologist dug up artifacts, creating a poster, and watching cool and exciting videos about archaeologist.

By the end you will be able to talk in great detail about Werowocomoco and Jamestown, and be able to tell each classmate 3 exciting things that you learned about Werowocomoco and Jamestown.

 Remember this is independent work. This means that there are no partners allowed, and in class you will be signing an honor code that says that you had no additional help.

Most importantly, HAVE FUN!





Step 1: Students, start by watching the following videos.


Step 2: As you watch do the following:

  1. Take notes.
  2. Jot down interesting ideas and observations.
  3. Write down any questions you may have.

Step 3:Poster Project

You will use the following websites to further research the archaeology Werowocomoco and Jamestown. Use only the following websites!


You will create a poster that describes the archaeology Werowocomoco and Jamestown based on what you watched in the video as well as what you researched.

The Poster must include:

  • 3 Facts about Werowocomoco.
  • 3 Facts about Jamestown.
  • 3 intresting facts about what archaeologist have found.
  • Pictures.
  • Your name.
  • Colorful.
  • Neatly Organized.


10-15 points

5-10 points

0-5 points


Poster is creative and eye catching.

Poster is creative.

Poster lacks creativity.

Spelling and Grammar

No spelling and grammar errors.

Two spelling or grammar errors.

More then

3 Facts about Werowocomoco.


Poster   contains 3 Facts about Werowocomoco.


Poster contains 2 Facts about Werowocomoco

Poster contains 1 or no Facts about Werowocomoco

3 Facts about Jamestown.


Poster contains 3 Facts about Jamestown.


Poster contains 2 Facts about Jamestown

Poster contains 1 or no Facts about Jamestown

3 interesting facts about what   archaeologist have found.


Poster contains 3 interesting facts about   what archaeologist have found.


Poster contains 2 interesting facts about   what archaeologist have found.


Poster contains 1 or no interesting facts   about what archaeologist have found.


Neatly Organized and Colorful.

Poster is neatly organized and colorful.

Poster is organized but not colorful, or   is colorful but not organized.

Poster lacks organization and color.

Pictures and name.

Poster contains Pictures and students   names.

Poster contains pictures but no name. Or   contains name but no pictures.

Poster contains no pictures and no name.  



Dear Class,

I hope you have enjoyed learning about how archaeologists have recovered new material evidence at sites includingWerowocomoco and Jamestown. Today we learned about how to identify and interpret artifacts to understand events inhistory. You also had to Draw conclusions and make generalizations. This online adventure also allowed you to Interpret ideasand events from different historical perspectives.


Have a Great Day!!

Teacher Page



The student will demonstrate knowledge of the physical geography and native peoples, past and present, of Virginia by

f) describing how archaeologists have recovered new material evidence at sites including Werowocomoco and Jamestown.

They should:

• assist learners to understand and apply the concept of culture as an integrated

whole that governs the functions and interactions of language, literature, arts,

traditions, beliefs, values, and behavior patterns;

• enable learners to analyze and explain how groups, societies, and cultures

address human needs and concerns;

• guide learners as they predict how experiences may be interpreted by people

from diverse cultural perspectives and frames of reference;

• encourage learners to compare and analyze societal patterns for transmitting and

preserving culture while adapting to environmental and social change;

• enable learners to assess the importance of cultural unity and diversity
