Introducing Geography


This webquest will provide you with the opportunity to become familiar with the 6 Elements of Geography that we will use to study the world this year. The foundations of this course are tied to this webquest. Do your best and welcome to the world of Geography!Image result for world


Students will explore the 6 Themes of Geography. Use your text book pages 2 and 3 as a reading resource for your introduction. The Themes are:

1. The World in Spatial Terms

2. Places and Regions

3. Physical Systems

4. Human Systems

5. Environment and Society

6. The Uses of Geography


1.The World in Spatial Terms: Knowing the location of places to understand the world around you. 

2. Places and Regions: This includes the characteristics of places.

3. Physical Systems: How do vocanoes, hurricanes, and glaciers affect the earth's surface. Also, understanding ecosystems, plants, and animals; in regards to how they interact.

4. Human Systems: How people shape our world. Understand the movement of people, ideas, and goods.

5. Environment and Society: This is the study of human/environment interactions, or how and why people change their surroundings.

6. The Uses of Geography: Understanding geography, and knowing how to use the tools and technology available to study it.


At this point I want you to answer 6 questions that are related to the 6 Themes.

Write your answers on a seperate sheet of paper. *note your website (

*1. What is the location of Guys Mills, PA using latitude and longitude? Try a google search. Note the website where you found your answer.

2. What are three characteristics of Northwestern PA? Think about the land around you: landforms, climate, plants, animals.

3. What physical system(s) have shaped the land around Guys Mills, PA? Try Wikipedia and type in "physical systems of Western PA". Find at least two answers.

*4. Why did Europeans come to North America? Do a search and note the website where you found your answer.

*5. Why did Mormon Pioneers build canals in Utah during the later 1800s? Do a search and note the website where you found your answer.

*6. List three websites where you could purchase a GPS: note all three websites and include prices for each model.


At this point, you have explored the 6 Themes of Geography. You have used the web, your text, and your brain to think about these themes. As we move forward through the school year we will be travelling around the world. At each stop, we will be analyzing the 6 Themes and how they fit into different parts of the world. This will help us understand better the peoples, cultures, and landscapes of the world. You will have a better grasp of similarities and differences of different human, environmental, and physical systems on our earth. 



Task Picture:

Process: Our World Today (2003 edition) Geography Textbook pages 2 and 3.

Teacher Page

email Mr. Gjovik with any questions: