Cricket bats


This web quest will help people that have interests in cricket bats or want to start a business making bats.

It will help them to know how they are made , how the designs have their pros and cons and help you understand how to  know which wood is best.


You will be answering a series of questions about cricket bats and will be marked by points for each question this will be on a web quest worksheet.


Answer these questions and go to these links provided for each question.

1. What is a cricket bat made out of? 1 point

2. What type of wood is the best for a bat? safe=strict&client=safari&rls=en&ei=gAsnW-bCB8eX8wXMmrqwBg&q=+why+english+willow+for+a+cricket+bat&oq=+why+english+willow+for+a+cricket+bat&gs_l=psy-ab.3...1885.3100.0.4415.   2 points


3. How do cricket bats stay together? 

2 points

4. Design a cricket bat with detail. 

1 point





5. List the pros and cons for English willow and Kashmir willow

5 points


 Kashmir  English
Pros  Pros
Cons  Cons

Once you are finished go to this link and play these games!


You will be assessed by points for each question which is shown on the question sheet.

Your score will be out of 11.


Hopefully, you learned something doing this webquest and are a bit more intelligent in this category and you are happy with your score!

You should have learned what type of wood is the best for your bat and how it improves your batting style.

Teacher Page

If one were to teach my webquest they would need a bit more insight of the bat manufacturers and companies.