Nonfiction Unit


Yay for nonfiction!  While it may sound less interesting than fiction, there are many genres of nonfiction that are quite interesting.  You may discover that truth is more interesting than fiction.  Throughout this project, you will be exploring types of nonfiction and interpreting them as well as becoming more familiar with terms associated with nonfiction.


You will complete three tasks during your lab time.  This webquest will count as a test grade.  Click on process to see your assignments.


Task #1:  Create a PPT on Google slides for the following terms: Fact, Opinion, Bias, Anecdote, Denotation, Connotation, Dialect, Subjective, Objective

You must be able to explain/teach these terms to the class.  Make your PPT interesting by including videos and/or visuals and examples to help your classmates remember them.

Task #2: Read the following letters from soldiers during different wars.  Answer the questions that follow. Create a google document for your answers.

1. Compare and contrast the subject matter and tone of each of the letters (from all wars listed).

2. What information (historical or otherwise) did you gain from reading the letters?

3. Why do you believe letters are so important to the soldiers at war?  Explain your answer.

4. After reading both sets of letters, do you believe nonfiction literature is subjective (up to interpretation) or objective (straightforward and direct)?  Explain your reasoning.

Task #3: Read the following article and answer the following questions.  You can add your answers to the google doc you already have set up.…

1.  What is the main idea?  Write a paragraph explaining the main idea and use two specific examples from the text as evidence.

2. What is the purpose of the article?  List one example from the text as evidence.

3. List one fact from the article.

4. List one opinion from the article.


You will be evaluated on each section.

Task one is worth 50 pts. 

Task two is worth 25 pts.

Task three is worth 25 pts.


Once you have completed your project, you will present your PPT to the class. Hopefully this webquest has furthered your knowledge and understanding of nonfiction.