Combustion of hydrocarbon


Combustion process, is representative of all hydrocarbons. Alkane reaction with oxygen is based on their use of fuel. Gas, petrol cars, aviation fuel and diesel fuel are mixtures of different alkane. Thermochemical reaction shows chemical reaction with thermal energy (Q) ,for example, when a single methane mole combusts it releases 890,31 kJ of heat.                      Using Thermochemical reactions, we can calculate, how much heat can be released for a carbon-based substance.

If the thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy, as in an cars, there will necessarily be significant energy losses in the conversion process. The resulting useful mechanical energy will be a lot less than the initial thermal energy provided by the hydrocarbon combustion.

The video will help you understand the following topics:


  • How to balance hydrocarbon combustion reactions ?


  • Incomplete combustion formula




    1.  Complete the equation for hexane burning reaction.

   C6H14 + 19O2 →

    2.  Why are carbon dioxide detectors produced ? 

    3.  What does black smoke indicate ?

    4.  What is the easiest way to solve hydrocarbon combustion reaction ,if you have odd numbers as result?

    5.  Complete the equation, and determine if it is a complete or incomplete combustion?

   4CH4 + 7O2 →

   6.  True or false; Complete combustion when given oxygen of any hydrocarbon produces carbon dioxide and alkane.


The following exercises contains 6 questions. All of the questions are taken from the video you watched.

Write your results on a sheet of paper, you have to complete two equations, answer four questions ( the answers should contain maximum of 2 sentences) and chose between true or false in the last task. 



The correct answers for the given tasks.

  1. 2C6H14 + 19O2 → 12CO2 + 14H2O 

  2. Detectors are produced because hydrocarbon dioxide can kill you. 

  3. Black smoke indicates that it does not have enough oxygen, you are not getting a good burn.

  4. If you have odd numbers as result, the easiest way to solve the reaction is by doubling the result.

  5.  4CH4 + 7O2 → 2CO + 2CO2 + 8H2O, it is a incomplete combustion.

  6. False. 



The topic about "Combustion of hydrocarbon" is very important because it teaches you about the differences between combusting and incomplete combusting. How also gives a valuable information about   hydrocarbon dioxide poisoning. On this note please do not play around hydrocarbon dioxide, it may affect your health.


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Aleksis Štokmanis 11.a

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Aleksis Štokmanis 11.a