College Search


The search is on! You are going to research three different colleges, community colleges, universities or technical schools. You will use the websites of at least three different schools to find and present the information needed to complete this assignment.


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I want you to research the different schools and what they have to offer.  I also want you to compare them to each other. Then, you can decide which school is the best choice for you and your future needs.  You will be required to create a Power Point or Slides presentation documenting your choice.


Image result for college majors


Step 1

You will choose which school you want to research by using the website below. Research a school and degree that best fits your interest using the following link: 


Process 2

Research your top three schools and find out the following information for each:

  • Name of college
  • Tuition cost for both in state and out of state
  • Brief description of at least 3 different majors (not degrees) they offer that you are interested in
  • What kind of career or job can you get after you graduate with the major you chose
  • Where each college is located (city, state)
  • A link to each college's website
  • 3 Photos of each college (or a video tour if you can find one)

Use the comparison chart I gave you to write down all of your information.  


Process 3

You will create a presentation with the following information:

1. Your first slide will say "College WebQuest Project" and will have your name as the author.

2. Your second slide will show your top three college choices (and their websites).

3-5. At least three slides (you may need more) with all of the comparison info and pictures on them.

6. The next slide will show your top choice and the reason why you chose it.

7.  Your last slide will answer these questions: 
What did this project teach you about going to college?  What did you learn that you didn't know previously?


Rubric –




Exceeds  Expectations

3 pts.

Meets expectations

2 pts.

Almost meets expectations

1 pt.

Below expectations

0 pts.



Followed all directions exactly.

Almost followed directions.

One or more items missing.

Many items missing and/or late.


Extremely neat and easy to read.

Neat and easy to read.

Somewhat difficult to read.

Very difficult to read.


Adds to the understanding of the text.

Good but does not add much meaning to the text.

Has nothing to do with the text.

None included.

Grammar & Conventions

Project contains no errors.

Project contains one error.

Project contains two or three errors.

Project contains four or more errors.


Clearly shows and compares information about three schools.

Explains and compares information about three schools.

Brief explanation and comparison of the information about three schools or doesn’t include three schools.

Does not explain the schools.


Used and cited at least 3 or more sources.

Used and cited 2 sources.

Used and cited 1 source.

No sources used or cited. 

Total Points and Comments



Your College Choice:_______________________________________________

Although it is not time for you to go to college,  at least now you have an idea of what is offered at different post-secondary schools. 

What did this lesson teach you about going to college?  What did you learn that you didn't know previously?  

Feel free to research other colleges to see what other colleges have to offer.