Our 2nd block Webquest: Computer Coding



How would you like to create your very own web site with whatever you want to talk about? The possibilities are endless: you can create anything. On this page, you will learn the basics of how to create your dream website. The greatest websites out there all have to code their work, and now you can too; just like they do! The step-by-step process you'll see will inform you how to do so.


  • You will need to go over the following:
    • Declarations
    • Formatting
    • Typing (coding)
    • Color
    • Images


And we will have a fun time


Job done

Thats right! By the end of the presentation you will know the basics of coding, and as a result, you can say: "Job Done!"

1: You have to watch the video.

2: Search for info on webpages, websites, tags, etc.

3: Go on a website that will help you out.

By the end of this lesson you should be able to:

  • Formulate a definition for webpage and tags.
  • Design a simple webpage.
  • Give your opinion on why you would use a webpage or website
  • Tell the difference between a webpage and a website.

This is the video that will help you get a good start:


This website will help you a lot:


This is a very important link. With it, you will be able to see things from changing colors and typing to formatting and pictures.


To get a good start, you will need to Google these questions:


  • What's a webpage?
  • What's HTML?
  • What are tags & why are tehy important?
  • What is a website?
  • What are some of the characteristics of a website.
  • Tell about a sites different uses.
  • The advantage and disadvantages of a website, how are they efficient or not.
Grading scale 1 point 2 points 3 points
Colors used/ effectiveness
Picture appropriateness
Pics and info fully cited

Congratulations fellow student!

You just finished the your first step towards a successful coding adventure

As you learn more and more advanced tags and codes, you will be able to further customize your webpage with more and more details.

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