Basic steps in Archery using the equipment_Meldred


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  Archery is the art, sport, practice or skill of using a bow to shoot arrow. The word comes from the Latin arcus.

   Historically, archery has been used for hunting and combat. In modern times, it is mainly a competitive sport and recreational activity. A person who participates in archery is typically called an archer or a bowman, and a person who is fond of or an expert at archery is sometimes called a toxophilite.

Today, archery is classified into two areas: target and field. Target archery requires archers to shoot specific number of arrows at set targets that have established values, for example a bullseye being 10 points.

Field archery includes an open-field target range where archers shoot different arrows at different targets or different distances around a course. This simulates the type of shooting experienced while hunting.



Define what is archery.

Enumerate and define the basic steps of archery.

List the complete equipment of archery.




Review: The previous topic is all about the archery and its basic step.

Archery is one of the oldest arts still practice today, has played an integral role in history. The pages of history are filled with images of men and women- from ancient Egyptians to Pygmy bushmen- arms with their bows and arrows. These men and women practiced archery to hunt food, protect their homes, and fight and some of history's most significant battles. Thousands of years later, people all over the world still enjoy the sport of archery.

Basic Steps:

1. Stance/Posture

A proper stance- your body and foot position as you line up with the target and shoot your bow is the foundation of your shot. If you're not stable, your shot will be awkward. Although posturing styles may differ from person to person, you should always center and evenly distribute your weight. A proficient shooter should take the same comfortable, relaxed and stable position every time he or she ready for a shot.

There are three stances to follow if you are a new to the sport of archery.

1.a. Regular Stance- if you are right eye dominant ( and your arm is in your left arm), slide up to the shooting line and position the left side of your body toward the target. Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart and distribute your weight evenly and comfortably. In the regular stance, align your heels and toes so that your toes are even with an imaginary line to the center of the target. Turn your head toward the target. Keep your chin up and look over your left shoulder.

2.b. Open Stance- By making small changes in the regular stance, archers can use the open stance. Adopt a regular stance then pivot your front foot toward the target(at approximately a forty five degree angle toward the target) and move your back foot forward several inches so that an imaginary line to the center of the target passes through the toes of your front foot and the instep of your back foot. This stance will cause you to face the target and use your hips more in the draw.

3.c. Closed Stance- To use a closed stance, straddle the shooting line and distribute your weight evenly on both feet.

2. Finger Hand Placement

You'll need proper finger and hand placement to shoot consistently. Your bow hand should hold the bow between your thumb and index finger.

3. Bow Arm

The arm that holds the bow is your bow arm.(If you are left dominant, your bow arm will be your right arm): It'll be the left arm if you are right eye dominant.


1. Bow

2. Arrow

3. Quiver




Draw the other steps of archery? Draw this in a short bond paper.


Cleanliness        10%

Clarity                  10%


Total                      20%


In playing archery, we are not just have the knowledge but we must have the discipline in playing this sport. We should follow the basic steps before we proceed to the highest level of techniques of archery.
