Aromatic Hydrocarbons


Aromatic hydrocarbons can be defined as cyclic hydrocarbons with delocalized pi electrons between carbon atoms of the ring.The phenomenon of exhibit aromatic nature is called as aromaticity.


Watch the video about the Aromatic Hydrocarbons and choose one answer to answer following questions. In the test will be 8 questions. 


1) What is known as benzine ring?

A) Four carbon atoms in  molecular compounds.

B) Six carbon atoms in aromatic compounds.

C) Five carbon atoms in  aromatic compounds.

2) How many atom containing compound with six membered ring?

A) One nitrogen atom.

B) Two hydrogen atoms.

C) One carbon atom.

3) Who 1st recognize the nature of it's bonding in 19th century?

A) Adolf Patera

B) August Kekule

C) Tomas Kekule

4) Carbon-hydrogen burns with what kind of color? 

A) light blue

B) Dark red

C) Sooty yellow

5) Three alkynes- the alkyne trimerization cyclization, name all three them.

A) Alkyne, carbon monoxide, chromium carbene.

B) Radium, Barium, Francium.

C) Americium, Curicium, Actinium

6) Arene substitution paterns into

A) Gamma, Alpha, Orto.

B) Ortho, meta, para

C) Zeta, meta, para.

7) Three isomers exist for cresol, because

A) Methyl and hydroxyl group can be placed next to each other
