Fast food is essential for our fast-paced life. Do you agree or disagree?


This WebQuest aims to help students in writing argumentative essay. The students will be guided on the format of argumentative essay. Several links on fast food will be given in order for students to get a general idea on the topic. Links and videos related to the topic will be given to help students to write out their content. Students are supposed to go through the notes and watch the video. Later, they will need to present their ideas in the form of an essay.


You will need to do an online research on fast food. You are advised to use the website links provided in the 'Process' section. Once you have researched on the topic, you will have a general idea on the topic. Later, have a look at some links to help you to make your stand; whether consuming fast food is essential or not. Once gathered all information, you will have to write an argumentative essay in about 350 words (SPM format). Your essay should convince readers that your stand on the topic is logical.


Section B : Continuous Writing

[50 marks]


Marks awarded based on these bands:


Mark Range

Description of Criteria


44 - 50



  • Language is accurate (with first draft slips)
  • Hardly any mistakes in grammar (including spelling and punctuation)
  • Effective use of varied sentence structures
  • Vocabulary is wide and precise.
  • Subject is relevant, well-organised
  • Paragraphs are well-planned, have unity and are well-linked
  • Interest of the reader is aroused and sustained throughout the writing




38 – 43



  • Language is almost always accurate
  • Few mistakes in grammar especially in complex structures
  • Sentence structures show variety of type and length
  • Wide vocabulary is used
  • Paragraphs are well-planned, have unity and appropriately linked
  • Writing is relevant to the topic
  • Interest of reader is aroused and sustained most of the time



32 - 37


  • Language is largely accurate
  • Some mistakes in grammar but meaning is clear
  • Tendency to use one type of sentence structure gives monotonous effect
  • Vocabulary is wide but lacks precision
  • Writing is relevant but lack originality
  • Paragraphs may show some unity but links may be inappropriate
  • Interest of the reader is aroused but not sustained


26 - 31


  • Language is sufficiently accurate
  • Some variety in sentence structures but purpose not clear
  • Vocabulary is simple, adequate but lacks precision
  • Paragraphs may lack planning and unity
  • Lacks liveliness and interest value



20 – 25


  • Meaning is never in doubt
  • Errors are sufficiently frequent and serious to impede reading
  • Simple sentences may be accurate
  • Limited vocabulary is used
  • Paragraphs lack unity and are disorganised
  • Subject matter shows some relevance to the topic

U (i)

14 – 19



  • Meaning is fairly clear
  • Errors are frequent and serious – mainly single word errors (SWE)
  • Very limited vocabulary
  • Subject is poorly addressed
  • Hardly any organization; probably no paragraphing

U (ii)

8 – 13



  • Can make some sense of the script
  • Mostly multiple word errors (MWE)
  • Hardly any accurate sentences
  • May not fulfill required length


U (iii)

0 – 7





  • Almost entirely impossible to read (unrecognizable as English)
  • May make no sense at all
  • Award ‘0’ if the writing makes no sense at all from beginning to end






Well done! Besides writing an argumentative essay, you have also learned something about fast food through this activity.  As a conclusion, think on how you can eat healthily despite being busy. You can visit the suggested website to get some ideas . You may also try some quizzes (Refer the links below). We will have a small discussion in class on this. Remember to submit your essays during the next lesson. Well done once again.



Credits given to all websites referred in process section.

Teacher Page

Here is the list of curriculum standards for this activity, taken from English Language Curriculum Specification for Form 5, Malaysian Education Ministry.

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by:
a. listening to spoken texts such talks, speeches and viewing television documentaries and multimedia
Level 1- i.listening to and understand a variety of texts
c. reading materials in print such as reports and articles and using other electronic media such as the Internet
Level 1- ii.reading silently a variety of materials in print and from the Internet

2.2 Process information by:
a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas
Level 1- ii.scanning for details

b. extracting main ideas and details
Level 2- vii.identifying main ideas in the texts read
ix. listing important details
Level 3- xii. identifying cause and effect
xiv. drawing conclusions
xvi. comparing and contrasting data collected

2.3 Present information to different audiences by:
i. using appropriate format, conventions and grammar when presenting the information
Level 1- ii.responding to questions and comments orally and in writing