


Flying is something that fascinates us human beings already for our entire history. It's one of the biggest dreams of many children to be able to fly. Jobs concerning flying are very much appreciated and popular. Nowadays it's normal to get into an airplane and fly around the world but it was a very tough way to get here. Our ancestors saw birds, insects and other animals flying around and tried to imitate them in funny ways.

In this webquest you will learn about the history of flying. You'll learn what it needed to get to the point where we are today and you'll learn a lot of new vocabulary concerning flying. After this you will be able to get along in any airport of the world.


Aim of this webquest:

The aim of this webquest is to learn new vocabulary about flying. When you have completed this webquest you should know more about the history of flying and you'll be able to express yourself correctly when travelling by airplane.

You find the tasks you have to do in the rubric "process".


To start please watch the video on the first flying attempts of our ancestors.
You find it by following this link:…

Now go to page 34 and 35 in your student's book.

Read through the short texts and complete the tasks on the two pages.


1. task:

Read the following text and highlight the new words.
Look up the new words in a dictionary and write them out in your vocabulary list.
When you have finished, you can discuss the text with a partner and watch the video below the text.

Planes in strong wind

Planes had to land in extreme wind in Spain. Some pilots were successful, some weren’t.

As you can see in the video, the wind was so strong that even some big planes had big problems with landing. The situation was scary for both the pilots and passengers. The pilots had to do their best to get the planes to the ground.

The speed of the wind was 65 kilometres per hour at the airport in Bilbao. The airport wasn’t closed and all planes could try to land. Some of them managed it with difficulties. Four planes couldn’t do it and they had to land at another airport.

None of the flights were cancelled.

Link to video:


2. task:

Complete all the exercises from the rubric "airports/airplanes". Correct your answers by clicking on the button "correct answers" on the bottom of the page.

To get to the exercises follow this link:


3. task:

Watch the video and then read through the transcript. Look up the words you don't know yet.

When you have finished try to do the three exercises following this link:

Link to video:

At the airport

Tara is going to visit her friend in Germany. To get there from England she has to take a flight in an aeroplane. So now she is at the airport. The first thing she did when she got there was to leave her car at the long-term car park. This is a special car park where travellers can leave their cars for over a week.

Now she has gone to the part of the airport where she will start her flight. This is the passenger terminal. The part of the terminal she is looking for is called 'departures'. The other part of the terminal is 'arrivals' and this deals with travellers whose flight has just brought them to the airport.

Once she gets to Departures, Tara takes a quick look at the flight announcements. Good, her flight is still on time, and there are no delays. Because she wants to have plenty of time before her flight, Tara goes straight to the check-in desk. She is very early so there is no queue. At the desk she shows the ticket for her flight, and hands over her suitcase. The baggage allowance for her flight is just 25kg, so Tara has been careful not to pack too much. If her suitcase were too heavy, Tara would have to pay an excess baggage fee.

Now her suitcase is taken away to be carried in the plane's cargo. Tara has marked a big cross on her suitcase, so she will be able to recognize it easily when it arrives on the luggage carousel for her to collect at Munich airport. After she has checked in, Tara is given a boarding pass, which will allow her on to the aeroplane.

Now Tara has to go through security and emigration. She checks the regulations, and makes sure that she has no dangerous objects such as liquid or aerosols in the bag which she will be taking on to the aeroplane as 'carry-on baggage'. She also checks again that she has her passport to show at emigration.

Once she has gone through security she passes through a scanner to make sure she has no metal objects in her pockets. Her bag goes through a special x-ray machine which checks that too.

Now she is in the flight-side part of the airport. If there is anything she has forgotten on the public side, it is too late now! But Tara thinks she has remembered everything. She checks the flight announcements to see at what gate she will find her plane. Because her gate is on the other side of the airport she has to take a shuttle train. Fortunately it is not crowded.

Tara knows that she might have to wait for a while in the departure lounge next to the gate before she boards the aeroplane, so she decides to have something to drink while she is waiting. Then when she hears the announcement that her flight is boarding, she hands in her boarding pass to the flight attendant, and walks down to the runway where her plane is waiting.

Have a good flight Tara.

4. task:

Listen to the podcast below.

Link to podcast:

Now try to do the following exercises on the podcast.
Compare your answers with the solution in the last picture.



5. task: Optional (for fast students)

Write a short review on the video you've seen at the beginning of this webquest (150-200 words)



Imagine you are arriving at the airport in Zurich because you want to spend your summer holidays in Great Britain.

Write a short essay what you do at the airport until you sit in the plane and are ready for take off (around 200 words).
Try to use as many new words of this unit as possible!

When you have finished re-read it and then give it to your teacher to correct it.

For the assessment the following form will be used:

Teacher Page

Structure and didactic motivation

This webquest on unit 5 of Open World should help students to learn more about flying and how to get along when travelling by plane. I concentrated on purpose more on the vocabulary the students need at the airport and in the plane than on the history of flying. This webquest contains a lot more tasks for students than the Open World unit and because of that may need some more time to complete than when just working with the book.

In the book there is a page where students should learn the principles of flying. In my webquest I left this out on purpose because I find the physical fundamentals behind this quite complicated. Although the idea to teach this with the CLIL model isn't a bad one I think that this topic would be too complicated and time consuming so that one had to focus more on the physical part than on the English. When I would teach this unit I would treat this topic simultaneously in the physics lesson so that there would be a nice link between the two subjects.

Aims of this webquest

The first and in my opinion most important aim of this webquest is to prepare students for travelling around by plane. In everyone's life will come the moment when he or she is travelling alone somewhere and then has to communicate in English in some airport of the world. For this reason I tried to include the most important words and phrases which are needed when someone wants to travel by plane. There are a lot of exercises in which these words are needed and have to be used in the correct contexts.

Other aims are for example improve the reading, for which there are two texts which have to be read and discussed plus the double page in the Open World book on page 34+35 which have to be read.

I also tried to include as much listening tasks as possible in this webquest. For this there is a short introduction video at the beginning of this webquest and three further videos which have to be watched or listened to complete the tasks.

Last but not least there is a short writing part, too. I've chosen to put it as the last exercise for the students which have already completed the rest of the work because the evaluation task for the students will be a writing task as well. The reason why I wanted to do this writing task as an evaluation for this unit is because I think you can see best this way, how the students profited from this webquest. As the topic of the essay focuses directly on the exercises which the students had to complete in this webquest, they have to use the new words which they learned in this unit to write a proper essay.