The Brain


Today you are going to learn about the different sections of the human brain! Woohoo!!!


In partners, choose one section of the brain and describe the main functions of the section you chose. Try to chose a section differnet from other groups. Be prepared to present to the class what you have learned about the section of the brain that you chose. In your presentation, be sure to the location of your section, what it does/controls and any other intersting facts. Be prepared to answer questions about your section. Your presentaion should be between 3-6 minutes long. Feel free to be creative in your presentation!


Click below to view a video containing infomation about the differnet sections of the brain.

Once you have watched the video click here to read about the different sections of the brain

When you are finished the reading you may begin the assignment. 


You will be assessed on the following criteria: 

Partners included all necessary information in the content of their presentation /3

Partners presented information clearly and confidently /2

Partners were able to comfortably answer questions /2

Presentation was 5-7 minutes long /1

This project is out of a possible 8 points! 

Bonus point for creativity /1


Good job! Tonights homework is to review what you have learned today about the brain. There will be a brief quiz tomorrow based on today's presentations. 

Next class period you will begin studying the heart. Read pages 182-216 in your texbook in preperation for next lesson.