Invention Convention


For thousands of years man has been trying to make life easier and more enjoyable. Through inventions this task is continually being accomplished. Inventions are everywhere! From the time you wake up in the morning until you go to sleep you are using things that someone, somewhere, sometime has invented! So, strap on your thinking cap and prepare to learn and invent.


In this WebQuest you will take a closer look at things that have been invented over the past 265 years. You will think about how inventions and inventors have impacted society and the world in which you live. Imagine what life would be like without the...!!!


You are responsible for completing two tasks. If you finish early, complete the third task! All tasks will be done individually.  

Task 1: Create a timeline! Using the websites listed below choose 10 inventions that are interesting to you and were invented from 1750-today. Make sure to write them each down with the inventor and year they were invented. Then, construct a timeline in Kidspiration showing all ten inventions, their inventor, and the year they were invented. The start date should be 1750 and the end date should be 2015. Include pictures if you have time!  

Websites to use (you may NOT use any other website(s)): 

Task 2: Select one invention from your timeline that has impacted the world in which we live. Make sure it is something that you use! Type a paragraph in Microsoft Word explaining the positive aspects as well as the negative aspects of this invention. Save it as "Inventions Impact Us".   

Task 3: If you finish early, create a comic strip! Mrs. Diamond will provide you with a three-frame comic strip. Choose an invention and describe (draw) what life would be like without it! Use the first two frames to show life with the invention and the last to show life without the invention.  


Congratulations! You have learned a lot about inventions, their inventors and the hard work it takes to become a real inventor! If you would like to learn more check out this website: