Activity on habitats


Welcome Miss Eddy Learning Corner which is created by Tamera Edwards. 

This section is created to facilitate students learning and understanding.


Enjoy !



Task for today's class:

You will present on different types of Habitats(wetland, forest/woodland).

Presentation should:

  • Demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the two habitats listed above.
  • Locate areas in Jamaica that you can find then.

Before begin click the link below on the next page→


Please click on the links below, they will assist you in formulating your presentation....


What is a forest?


What are wetlands?






CRITERIA Excellent Good Fair Weak

All group members participate equally














Knowledge of content





stays on topic and appears organized











Congrats you have come to the end of our lesson...

            Here's a review of what we have learned:


What is a forest?

The forest is a complex ecosystem consisting mainly of trees that buffer the earth and support a myriad of life forms. The trees help create a special environment which, in turn, affects the kinds of animals and plants that can exist in the forest. Trees are an important component of the environment. They clean the air, cool it on hot days, conserve heat at night, and act as excellent sound absorbers.

What are wet lands?

Wetlands are areas where water covers the soil, or is present either at or near the surface of the soil all year or for varying periods of time during the year, including during the growing season. Water saturation (hydrology) largely determines how the soil develops and the types of plant and animal communities living in and on the soil. Wetlands may support both aquatic and terrestrial species. The prolonged presence of water creates conditions that favor the growth of specially adapted plants (hydrophytes) and promote the development of characteristic wetland (hydric) soils.

Wetlands vary widely because of regional and local differences in soils, topography, climate, hydrology, water chemistry, vegetation and other factors, including human disturbance. Indeed, wetlands are found from the tundra to the tropics and on every continent except Antarctica. Two general categories of wetlands are recognized: coastal or tidal wetlands and inland or non-tidal wetlands.


what is a forest (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2018, from

What is a Wetland? (2017, February 27). Retrieved April 15, 2018, from


Teacher Page

The sole purpose of this web quest is to help students to build up an understanding and knowledge about habitats and wetlands.