4L Fraction Fun


Welcome to your WebQuest on fractions.

You will be participating in online mini lessons to help you understand four types of fractions:-

1. Proper fractions

2. Improper fractions

3. Mixed fractions

4. Equivalent fractions

Make sure you watch and read the content carefully.

When you are ready click on the Task button. 


While completing this WebQuest your tasks will include the following

  1. The first task is an introduction to proper fractions and what they are
  2. The second task is an introduction to improper fractions and what they are
  3. The third task is an introduction to mixed numbers
  4. The fourth task is changing mixed numbers to improper fractions
  5. The fifth task is learning about equivalent fractions
  6. The sixth task is learning about fractions on a number line

Your Learning Intentions are:- 

You will be able to compare equivalent fractions using models and number lines. 

You will be able to count by quarters, halves and thirds and locate and represent these fractions on a number line. 

You will be able to represent mixed numbers using models and number lines. 

You will be able to convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers.

You can now start your 'Process'


Click here to begin your first task on proper fractions

  1. Make sure you read ALL OF THE CONTENT. It is important to re-read over parts that you are unsure of.
  2. Complete the activitites on the page and make sure you get them right before moving on. 

Click here to begin your second task on improper fractions

  1. Make sure you are reading ALL of the content and are re-reading over sections you don't quite understand
  2. Complete all of the activities on the page and make sure you get them right before moving on.

Click here to begin your third task on mixed fractions

  1. Once again make sure you are reading ALL of the content
  2. Complete all of the activities on the oage and make sure you get them right before moving on.

Click here  to begin your fourth task on changing a mixed number to an improper fraction.

Click here  to begin your fifth task on equivalent fractions.

Click  here  to begin your final task, fractions on a number line.


Now you can skip to the 'Evaluation' step



Now that you have finished your mini lessons you can play some games as well as watch some videos about how fractions are used in our real world here  games and videos

Once you have played some games and watched some videos you are ready for your test.

Ask your teacher for your test paper and once you are finished your teacher will mark how you went.  

Once you have completed your test you can go to the 'Conclusion'. 


Congratulations! You have completed your mini lessons and have finished your final task for this WebQuest! I hope you got 100%!

You can now identify and understand fractions. You know about proper and improper fractions and the differences between them, and you know what equivalent fractions are and can place fractions on a number line!

You are a Fractions Freak!