20th Century Sports


In almost every culture there are sporting events. No matter where you live, chances are that you are a fan of a sports team of some kind. Baseball, Football, the Olympics, Soccer, Basketball, etc. all became very popular in the 20th century. Sports are a way of culture in the 20th century, and the time where sports really reached its peak. People found sports as the main source of entertainment during this era, and sports are so entertaining that they are still popular today.

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Use dates names and places to explain your answers to these questions. Describe how sports helped the community and brought people together. Also find what sports where big in the 20th century and say what made them popular. Answer the questions with 3 to 4 sentences.

1. How did sports affect people's lives in the 20th century? Did it help the american community? How?



2. When did sports start to become a major part of American culture?



3. How did baseball evolve and become "America's pastime"?



4. When did people start to allow "colored athletes" join Professional Sports teams?  Who were some of the first "colored people" to play professional sports?



5. What year did the Olympics welcome the first African american athlete?



6. How were sports in the 20th century affected by the world wars?



  1. In this link you will find how baseball became a part of the American culture and dates and time periods where baseball became popular among Americans. Also how the game of baseball grew in the country and how it spread as well as how baseball became a social event. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/661802-major-league-baseball-finds-its-roots-in-progressive-america

  2. In this link you will find more about how sports in America became a part of the society and community. Also how sports affected the everyday lives of Americans. https://www.historytoday.com/viv-saunders/sport-and-20th-century-american-society

  3. In this article it explains how baseball changed people's outlook toward each other and how it affect a person's lifestyle. Notice how the timeline shows the evolution of baseball in the 19th century. Also it tells you about the people that helped make the game of baseball into what it is today. http://www.thisgreatgame.com/1900-baseball-history.html

  4. This link explains how sports evolved in the United States and also how sports helped us as humans evolve. Also the link describes how sports had an influence on popular cultures. http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/sports.html

  5. In this link it tells you about the first african american baseball player to play in the MLB and how his influence helped other african american people believe it was possible to play major league sports in the United States. http://www.espn.com/classic/biography/s/Robinson_Jackie.html

  6. This link explains how the US started sports after the end of WWII. With the money and the time that the US had, they decided to start sports like baseball, football, etc. The US turned to sports after the end of WWII for the US citizens to hopefully enjoy life, because of how dreadful and sad WWII was to some people, sports was found as an entertainment and happiness in people’s lives. https://healthfully.com/sports-america-1950s-8238290.html

  7. Women from across of the world would come to the US just for the sports they had. Women started to make sports for their genders, including tennis, surfing, baseball (softball), etc. A Chinese woman joined an all-men American League in 1940, it was a tennis league. They accepted her equally and after that, women started to join men’s leagues as well. https://www.kcet.org/history-society/sporting-golden-state-women-and-athletics-in-20th-century-california

  8. This article shows how women made a bigger impact on sports in the 20th century than men did. Women made sports bigger, more popular, and even added more rules into sports that needed to be added and that without women sports, sports would not be as popular and as entertaining as it is today. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/3ac1/a9fbd1b44231fde9ca4c355da10eb7b82cdd.pdf

  9. This article including examples of sports that were the most popular in the 20th century. Around the 1920’s, the most popular sports including tennis, baseball, golf, boxing, football, swimming, surfing, etc. http://www.1920-30.com/sports/

  10. This article has a summary of each popular sport in the 20th century. The most interesting one was basketball, which was invented by Dr. James Naismith in 1891, and slowly became a more popular sport in the 20th century. The sports spike in its popularity was around the 1940’s, which is also when they started to make a Major League system for basketball & made rules for the sport as well. https://www.livestrong.com/article/371109-the-history-of-sports-in-the-united-states/



20th century sports were a major factor and took a major role in uniting the United States. Through sports people of all ages and races could bond in ways that no one has ever seen before. African American athletes were finally aloud to play major league sports. Because of 20th century sports we are where we are today.