The Water Cycle


First of all, Young scientists, welcome! Are you prepared to go out on a thrilling expedition to investigate the intriguing realm of the water cycle? You will delve into the complex mechanisms that control water circulation on Earth in this webquest. Prepare to explore, uncover, and acquire knowledge as you work your way through a variety of online resources. Together, let's go on this journey!

First of all, have you ever wondered how we get water?

Have you ever wondered how rain falls or how it snows?

Have you ever wondered how the ocean gets water?

Together, let's go on this journey!


Water cycle | Teaching Resources


Your task is to explore the water cycle and gain an understanding of its various stages and processes. Along the way you will complete a series of fun and exciting activities and challenges to deepen your knowledge. Be sure to read the instructions carefully. 

  1. Understand the basics: You can begin by familiarizing yourself with the fundamentals of the water cycle. You can visit the links below to aid you with the task given.

2. Exploring the stages of the water cycle: Dive deeper into the various stages of the water cycle. You can do so by uses the resources listed below.

3. Real life applications: Discover how the water cycle affects various aspects of our daily lives and the surrounding. Visit the links below to garner information on real-life application and examples.

4. Assessment: Test your knowledge by completing a quiz linked below: Good luck!



Please click on the link to access your quiz. Read carefully and answer all questions.


Young scientists, Congratulations! Your voyage through the water cycle is now complete. You now have a more profound understanding of one of the most important natural phenomena on Earth after investigating its numerous phases and processes. Don't forget to use what you've learned to preserve and safeguard our limited water supplies. Continue inquiring, discovering, and studying the mysteries of our world!



Das, S. (2021, August 10). Hydrological cycle: Its impact on Agriculture. Al Ardh Alkhadra.

Education, U. C. for S. (n.d.). Center for Science Education. The Water Cycle and Climate Change | Center for Science Education.…

Howard Perlman, U. (n.d.). Interactive water cycle diagram for kids (advanced).

Water cycle. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (n.d.).…

The water cycle. YouTube. (2020, July 1).

Teacher Page

Teacher Page: Exploring the Water Cycle Webquest

Welcome, Educators!

Thank you for considering integrating this webquest into your curriculum. My name is Osheka Smith, a current Math and Science student at the Bethlehem Moravian College. It will take students approximately 1 hour to complete this WebQuest. The best advice to other teachers using this webquest is to support students by supervising them to ensure completion of the Webquest.