Respiratory and Circulatory Systems


Your body is like a machine that carries out different functions with proper organization of parts and systems. Just like a machine, it requires proper care and maintenance to last long. 

In this activity, you will be introduced to the different structures of the respiratory and circulatory systems and how they work together. You will also gain knowledge on how to prevent , detect, and treat diseases affecting the two systems.



To better understand the topic, kindly watch the following videos for the discussion:

At the end of the discussion, you are expected to explain the mechanism on how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together and gather ideas on how one's lifestyle affects the functioning of respiratory and circulatory systems.

Make sure to also gather and write down information about the different diseases affecting the respiratory and circulatory systems for the next activity.


Prevention is better than cure!

Now to gauge your understanding, we will be having an activity. 

Kindly group yourselves into three and follow the procedure below:

1. With your groupmates, create a story that illustrates various ways of preventing diseases that affect the respiratory and circulatory systems. You must also show the importance of keeping our bodies healthy and free from illnesses. 

2. Present the story that you made in front of the class by means of role-playing.

3. Consider the following criteria to serve as your guide in completing the given task.



            CRITERIA               PERCENTAGE
           Preparation           15%
Achievement of Objective           35%
Imagination and Creativity           30%
          Presentation           20%
              TOTAL         100%



The best way to prevent diseases in the respiratory and circulatory systems is to have a healthy lifestyle, which includes balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate rest, proper hygiene, and avoiding vices such as cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking. Circulatory and respiratory disease can easily be detected with regular health check-up and physical screening.


SCIENCE Learner's Module 9