Mrs. Doak's "The Scarlet Ibis" Webquest


Name ______________________________________  Date ________________ Period _____

                                                   “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst

                                                         Symbolism and Allegory

Directions.  Please complete this worksheet as you travel through this WebQuest. 


Activity #1:

Go to this website and answer the following questions:




1. What is a symbol?


Give an example of 2 symbols and what they stand for:

2. Symbol: _______________________ What does it stand for? ______________________

3. Symbol: _______________________ What does it stand for? ______________________



 Activity #2:

Go to this website and answer the following questions:


4. What is an allegory?


5. What are some examples of allegories in everyday life?


6. What is the difference between a symbol and an allegory?


Activity #3:

Go to these websites and answer the following questions:



7. List a flower and explain what it symbolizes.



Activity #4:

Go to these websites and answer the following questions:                            


8. Where does the Scarlet Ibis live?


9. Provide a brief physical description of the bird.


10. What are some behavioral characteristics of the bird?


11. Describe the environment in which a scarlet ibis lives.


12. How is the environment important to the bird’s survival?


Activity #5:

Go to these websites and answer the following questions:         


Image file: (scroll down to find December 12, 2013) (scroll down to read # 8)


13. What is a bleeding tree?


14. What causes a tree to look like it is bleeding? 


Activity #6:

Go to these websites and answer the following questions:         


15. What is blood a symbol for in literature?


16. What is red a symbol for in literature?


17. What is autumn or fall a symbol for in literature?


18. What does a storm or bad weather symbolize in literature?  

Find answer here: