A. I. Art and Replication


A.I. in Art...

Exploring the Intersection of Art and Artificial Intelligence: A Controllable Evolution or Unruly Onslaught?

Is the integration of AI in art a carefully guided evolution or an uncontrollable deluge? Within the art world, is AI-generated originality met with open arms or viewed with skepticism? Can the utilization of AI-generated images or instructional lessons enhance our skills as artists? Is this a controllable experience? Do robots interpret correctly? Is the human element, or "human touch" detected when making A.I. created art through prompt wording? 

Does A.I bring more creativity to us for use as a tool to invent art, or does A.I. do all the creative work we set out to invent?

These questions will be answered after experiencing this first hand. Get ready for a truly memorable experience that will change your life as you know it!


Play with the website Deepai.org or crAIyon.com

https://deepai.org/machine-learning-model/text2img and also https://www.craiyon.com/ to create Art with your creative word prompts.

For example, type the words “falcon with lightning and fire” in the prompt to create a surreal image, and generate different versions using multiple generator engines, (i.g., nightmare, anime, ect...) and inputting your image description. See your ideas in a style of your choice, and see the results on your computer.

Remember, these images are possible ONLY because of your "creative word choice" in the prompt windows. These images in the A.I. creator programs are not premade, rather they are randomly generated, meaning the same wording would generate a totally new and fresh image if re-entered. 

Please do not screen shot a google image, or someone else's work. This should be integration with A.I. tech only.



Do this again, and finalize the content of your choice to base your next drawing using surrealism.

Make a finalized version of your prompt image, and generate an appropriate sized copy to alter, replicate and sketch. Use color to highlight important features or for full value.

Be sure to use elements of art in your surreal drawing, (line, shape, form, value, color, space, texture) and be ready to describe the elements of art in your design sketch/drawing. Use a sheet of 9x12 art paper, and pencils with erasers. Use color if highlighting or creating attention to anything. Use full value color if necessary. Draw exactly what you generate to retain the integrity of your formulated original idea.

Remember, you will have generated an image from YOUR OWN original thoughts using one or both of the A.I. engines, and have a screenshot of that to base your inspiration from when drawing or sketching the original art project.



To receive full credit, I will go around and check your name off for generating images with prompt wording, developing personal inspiration, and clearly captured in screenshot(s) that you generated using at least one A.I. image generator.

You will turn in a finished art drawing to complete the transfer of creativity from A.I., back to the original wordsmith. Your ideas are transposed into rearranged digital compositions, and then interpreted by your skillsets to finish the cycle of implementing A.I. tech into the creative process.

A rubric will guide the grading process:




Does A.I bring more creativity to us for use as a tool to invent art, or does A.I. do all the creative work we set out to invent?


Please answer this question in a written transition with 3-4 complete sentences after you have played with deepAI or crAIyon websites. Use the last part of the period to complete this transition, and then turn in your sketch of a surreal picture based on the AI generated content. Start your response with this sentence stem: 

   My reflection on the experience I had using the A.I. generator was ___________, which led to_______________. (Now elaborate more in depth with your academic language, using your prior knowledge of the elements of art).

Teacher Page

CA ART Standard

ConnectingAnchor Standard 10:  Synthesize and Relate Knowledge and Personal Experiences to Make Art


a. Independently and proactively access relevant and qualitative resources to inform the creation of cogent media artworks.

b. Demonstrate and expound on the use of media artworks to consummate new meaning, knowledge, and impactful cultural experiences.


CA ELD Standard

Section 2: Elaboration on Critical Principles for Developing Language and Cognition in Academic Contexts Part II

5. W.11-12.4–5; WHST.11–12.4–5; SL.11–12.6; L.11–12.1, 3–6 

Modifying to add details Expand sentences with a growing variety of adverbials (e.g., adverbs, adverb phrases, prepositional phrases) to provide details, (e.g., time, manner, place, cause) about familiar or new activities or processes.