Fraction Mania


This webquest is going to strengthen your understanding of addition of fractions with both like and unlike denominators.

At the end of each session you will be asked to demonstrate your ability to add fractions with both like and unlike denominators.


Become an expert at adding fractions by completing the following tasks:

First:  Review addition of fractions. (when the total is equal to or less than one whole)

Second:  Practice adding fractions with like denominators.

Third:  Add fractions using the worksheets.




  • Do one of more of these things:
  1. Review the process of addition of fractions by reading and practicing the process.  (Remember to scroll down to the 5 practice problems at the bottom of the web site).  
  2.   Read and review the process using this web site. Use paper to figure out the 3 practice problems at the end of the lesson.  (Make sure to use the page forward button to read the entire lesson). 



Way to Go!  You Made It!   

 I hope that you are feeling confident in your abilities to add fractions.  If you would like to continue learning here are some fun links you may like to try:


Resources used can be found by referring to the websites found on the process and conclusion pages of this Webquest.